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Company Law Overview

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Company Law Overview


good afternoon everyone, im alex. Today im going to talk about the 5 stages of couple relationships.

Couple Relationships is one of the most complicated issues in our lives, especially at this age, most of us are facing this problem. Have you ever wondered: Why is our relationship so hard? Things were so perfect when we first met - what happened? Most likely, the answer is that you've left the first stage of your relationship, and have moved into another. Take a look at the description of each phase – does any of this sound familiar?

(Before we get started, you should know that most couples experience these stages in this order, and will need to resolve the challenges in each stage before they can move successfully on to the next.) Every couple will move through these stages at different speeds, and most couples will experience each stage more than once – it is common to fluctuate from one stage to another.* Let's us begin with the romance stage.

Romance stage

This is also known as the Courtship Phase or the Fantasy Stage. And it can last anywhere from 2 months to 2 years

This occurs at the beginning of the relationship and is usually filled with beauty, fun and joy. (

This is when you and your partner have just met, and everything is absolutely amazing. You can't get enough of each other. Neither of you can do any wrong in the eyes of the other… mainly because you're both still on your best behavior. In this stage, You will show the best of yourself to each other, u tend to hide ur weaknesses. ‘During the honeymoon stage we and our partner deliberately (though subconsciously) hide the negative aspects of our personality and behaviour and focus on giving and receiving love. ‘ The focus in this stage is on commonalities – both of u have so many common interests, he likes whatever u like, u like whatever he likes. "you like to watch horror movie? So do i.., u like to eat japanese food ?, so do i? u like jay chou, me too ." you could practically be the same person! And especially guy, when they are going after u, they will agree to whatever u say. You can't imagine living without this person, he is like an angel.. so u begin in this relationship. and you begin spending as much time together as possible.

When u guys just started in the rs, sweet Talk on the phone everyday, from day to night, from night til the next morning. sms with each other, tell each other whatever u do, report to them where ever u go, and both of u take turn to Morning call wake each other up . And do whatever that can make ur partner happy. In this stage, u feel sweet by doing so. . There is 0 conflict between u and him.

When you're in this stage, your body is producing enormous amounts of endorphins, which makes you feel unusually happy, positive and excited about everything in your life.

Disillusionment Stage

This is the stage where u realize ur partner is actually a human being. and that-s when you start to find out the weaknesses about him that irritate you (which is normal by the way - all of us have things that are going to irritate other people). No matter how wonderful or understanding or adorable we are, that-s going to happen. The thing with disillusionment is that people start thinking, Maybe I-m not so much in love with this person, or I don-t think they-re as great as I thought they were, or Maybe I had the wrong idea about this person. u start questioning how u feel and u start questioning ur responses to this person, and then u start reacting to the things that make ufeel disillusioned. For instance, maybe the person spends more time in studying than u want him to, but the thing that attracted u in honeymoon was that he was a top student. Or maybe he was attracted to the girl because she took such good care of herself and fixed her hair and put on her makeup and all that, but now in disillusioned it-s, Gosh, we are rushing on time for the movie! Or maybe u were attracted to the guy who is very cool and serious person, but now in this stage u find that he is a boring person.

However, most of the couples do not break up at this stage because of the sweet memories, the foundation that they built in romance stage, which retain them in the relationships..( At this stage, their main jobs is to learn how to communicate and resolve conflict with this person effectively, which is an important skill if they want the relationship to continue. Some of them complain to each other about their unfavorable behavior, in the hope that they will change. Some of them prefer not to say

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