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Comparative Essay: Lois Lowry's Messenger and the Giver

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Comparative Essay: Lois Lowry's Messenger and the Giver

Comparative Essay: Lois Lowry's Messenger and The Giver

Lois Lowry's novel, Messenger introduce village a good community. Matty was a very adventurous person even when he was a kid. Lowry's, The Giver, shows a community that is not very good. Jonas, he is an 11(turns 12 in the book) years old boy living a normal life. The novels look very different and similar.

Matty and Jonas grow differently. In begin, Matty has lives in village and flourished under the guidance of Seer, a blind man, known for his special sight: "he lived with the blind man, the one they called Seer, and helped him"(messenger 1). In this quotation, Seer know about the power of Matty. In contrast, Jonas living in community where people are living in rules that make them be too normal: "It is just the pills. You are ready for the pills, that is all. That is the treatment for stirrings"(The Giver 37). Jonas and all the community are taken pills that make them be too natural. Therefore,

in Messenger, Mattys' village can fell things and see colors. Conversely, in The Giver, Jonas' community under control and they can not see colors or feel any emotions. In both novels, the characters are play different roles that shows in one novel, one place can be freedom and change feelings and in the second novel, there no freedom and the people there can not change that, but two of them got out from there.

Furthermore, similarities between the novels is the contrast between Jonas and Matty. Mattys' power is to heal thing, animal, and people he released that when he healed the frog: "A painful kind of power surged from his hands, flowing into the frog, and held them bound together" (Messenger 42).

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