Conflict Resolution
By: Fatih • Essay • 663 Words • April 29, 2010 • 1,218 Views
Conflict Resolution
There are various actions that can be taken in order to develop a more creative and innovative team. In the first stages of team building, the forming of the team takes place. The team meets and learns about the opportunity, challenges, agrees on goals and begins to tackle the tasks. Team members at the begging of the forming of the team often work as individuals instead of a team. They also may be motivated but as said before that the team members work individually as a result all the information is not passed on smoothly and evenly of the issues and objectives of the team. At the begin team members are very polite but are more focused on themselves rather than the team as whole. Team members with experience and understanding of working as a group begin to model appropriate behavior even at this early phase. Supervisors of the team during this phase tend to need to be directive that way all future possible issues can be discussed therefore preventing those issues.
The following are very important points of a group that need to be acknowledged. The most important of developing a creative team is to encourage the team to team goals are developed through a group process of team interaction and agreement in which each team member is willing to work toward achieving these goals. Participation is actively shown by all team members and roles are shared to facilitate the accomplishment of tasks and feelings of group togetherness. Feedback is asked for by members and freely given as a way of evaluating the team's performance and clarifying both feelings and interests of the team members. When feedback is given it is done with a desire to help the other team member rather than to offend. Team decision making involves a process that encourages active participation by all members. Leadership is distributed and shared among team members and individuals willingly contribute their resources as needed. Problem solving, discussing team issues, and critiquing team effectiveness are encouraged by all team members. Conflict is not suppressed. Team members are allowed to express negative feelings and confrontation within the team which is managed and dealt with by team members. Dealing with and managing conflict is seen as a way to improve team performance. Team member resources, talents, skills, knowledge, and experiences are fully identified, recognized, and used whenever