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Consultancy Report

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Consultancy Report

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This material is based upon work supported by Caixa Geral de Depósitos (CGD), Banco Português de Investimento (BPI) and Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (BBVA).

Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations are those of the authors and do not reflect the views of the Companies, their employees or their administrations.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary          4

  1. Introduction          5
  2. Organizational Context          6
  3. Theoretical Background          7
  4. Methodology          8
  1. Procedures          8

      4.2 Sample          8

  1. Analysis          11
  1. Limitations          11
  2. The variables          12
  3. ANOVA          12

5.3.1. Effects of Age          13

5.3.2. Effects of Gender          13

5.3.3. Effects of Education Level          14

  1. Model           14

5.4.1. Person-Organizational Fit and Ethical Leadership          15

  1. Person-Organizational Fit and Ethical Environment          16
  2. Person-Organizational Fit and Political Skills          17
  3. Person-Organizational Fit and Human Resources          17
  4. Person-Organizational Fit and Ethical Behaviour          18
  5. Ethical Environment and Trust in Employees          18
  6. Ethical Environment and Voice          20
  1. Conclusions and Recommendations          21

References          24

Appendix          25

Executive Summary


The aim of this consultancy report is to provide advice and recommendations to the companies involved in this sector (banking) in order to improve their performances, based on a Person-Organizational Fit analysis.

The first step was to carry out surveys in three similar companies, banks, with questions about several different topics concerning their workplace environment. The survey questionnaires were filled out by 40 employees and their supervisors, gathering information on their relationships and personal data, such as gender, age and educational level.

Then we started analysing the data, using SPSS, to understand how the survey variables act in this particular environment.

Firstly the sample was analysed to find out who were the people that filled out the surveys and then an ANOVA and correlation analysis between the variables was made. With the ANOVA we understood how the topic we are focusing on, Person-Organizational Fit, changes according to the different features of the employees and if there are significant differences and why. With the correlation analysis we found out how our topic is related to others, which relationships are stronger and we developed hypothesis to support our findings.

Ultimately, we will be able to make recommendations to the companies in order to improve their performances, thanks to the data observed and the findings about the topics researched.

  1.  Introduction

Our group is composed of five students that are enrolled in the Organizational Behavior course. In this report we will act as a consultancy agency trying to help companies getting better results when working on the human capital.

We agree that analyzing the beliefs and behaviors of both employees and supervisors of a company will make us understand the situation and which elements can be improved, in order to get better performances.

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