Corruption in America
By: Monika • Essay • 1,441 Words • May 24, 2010 • 1,288 Views
Corruption in America
Do you sometimes think that the rules and laws in America aren’t fair? If you do, listen carefully. America is a great country with many freedoms, but some people like to “work the system” or break the law, in the law, so to speak. That is mainly thanks to the first amendment, which basically says we can do anything we want with religion, speech, press, assemblies, petition the government, and so on. Our government shouldn’t be so lenient. We should get rid of all the cults and gangs. The only way to change these ways is to petition the government into changing these things. So, if you think the same as me, help by turning some of the many wrongs of this country into rights!
There is now corruption in almost every city in America. Now, immoral behaviors are adored and even respected! Homosexuality is accepted and practically encouraged. What happened to the traditional family morals that have been followed for the last several thousand years, such as honesty, integrity, respect, and responsibility? In the U.S. people used to try to do more than expected and try very hard in everything. Now, people are so lazy and try to slide past life doing the bare minimum and don’t put any effort into anything that has to do with an evil word to them, called WORK. Plus, people have become so wrapped up in all the freedoms of America that they abused it and said, “Hey, it’s not against the law to date another man/woman. So, why not do it?” Uhhhh, IT IS WRONG!
Now, people are ready to jump up and defend homosexuality without an actual self or family oriented opinion, just repeating all the garbage they here in the media. The most declared defensive statement for homosexuality is, “How does it affect you?” Well, it is morally wrong. It makes me sick just to think about it, and it makes me embarrassed to say I’m part of a country that allows such outrageous behaviors. Being gay is a crime and all homosexuals should have to go to jail like any other terrorist. Basically all the moral standings this country was founded on are gone!
Next, the theory of evolution, or the Theory of Natural Selection, is considered the basic principle of evolution. It states that only the fittest creatures survive in this world. So, if you are told that “people are born gay,” (What’s wrong with being gay) you can say to them that it is not true and you can prove it. According to the theory, only the fittest survive, so if the early humans would have been born homosexuals, the human race would have ceased existence. Why? Because two mammals of the same gender cannot create another organism. So, the population would have been gone as soon as the first ones died. Now think of this: if one of your parents was a homosexual, you would not be alive. So, if you ever hear someone say that people are “born gay” you can laugh right in their face and prove them wrong.
Now days, there are even “gay pride parades” where homosexuals try to celebrate their “diversity and culture”. Then, in Minnesota, a group of teens who were sick of the gay pride parades that they saw decided to put on a harmless and peaceful “Strait-Pride parade,” and the media branded the group as “Urban Terrorists,” and subsequently, the youths were investigated and harassed by police for “promoting hateful activities.”
What happened to the first amendments right to an assembly? How come the gay pride parade wasn’t called urban terrorism? Because people would feel bad for the homosexuals and it would cause an uprising of homosexuals and gay supporters calling the media “gay bashers.” Then, there would be lawsuits for the media wrongly accusing a “harmless” parade celebrating “gay culture.” How can it be a culture? It has only been around for the last five years. That is not long enough for a “culture” to develop, but heterosexuality has been around since the beginning of the human species (What’s wrong with being gay).
Terrorism. A highly emotional word in America these days. Well, what if I were to say that there are terrorists in our own country, our own state, our own city, and even sometimes in our own neighborhood? Not the guys with towels on their heads that live in the dessert; but people who are trying to corrupt the American way of life. By definition, a terrorist is a person who tries to physically or mentally destroy society. Well, isn’t that homosexuality? Isn’t homosexuality a new concept for a country that started over hundreds of years ago? They are corrupting our society and it is very frustrating how many people are standing up for this evil behavior. Are they not trying to press their sick beliefs and “culture” on us by lawsuits and working around the law? We need to stop this problem before it gets out of hand. Plus, aren’t they trying to change our lives as we know it, which is terrorism?