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SUBJECT: Initial Counseling

1. The purpose of this counseling is to provide you with standards and expectations. I am confident that you will not have any difficulty implementing and accomplishing what is expected of you. As a leader, I owe you the opportunity to perform to the best of your abilities. By the same token, I will not do your job for you. Always do what is right not what is easy.

2. The following outline my beliefs on key issues:

A. Expectations/Standards

1. Soldiers are professionals and are expected to perform as such 24 hours a day.

2. Established standards can only be met or surpassed not lessened.

3. If you witness a wrong doing or disrespectful act and don't take corrective measures you have just set a new standard, an unacceptable one.

4. If you do not understand something ask for clarification.

5. Never allow your integrity to be questioned. Always do the right thing.

6. I want to know the bad news along with the good.

7. Tell me the way it is, not what you think I want to hear.

B. Loyalty

1. Be loyal to your subordinates, peers, superiors, and yourself.

2. Know, support and use the chain of command.

3. I encourage you to identify and discuss issues you may not agree with, but once the final decision is made, that is the end of it so make adjustments and continue the mission.

C. Social Behavior

1. Treat others as you would want to be treated.

2. As leaders, we must maintain a clear separation between ourselves and those we lead, both on and off duty. I'm not saying that you and I are better than anyone else; however, as leaders we are charged with tremendous responsibilities and are held to higher standards. We cannot get away with the indiscretions that our soldiers may get away with because we must lead by example.

3. DUI, substance, spouse and child abuse are "career-enders". These actions will not be tolerated. Do not allow yourself to be put in a situation that could result in doing the wrong thing.

D. Military Courtesy/Professionalism

1. Be courteous and professional in appearance and attitude

2. Respect: there are two types, implied respect by virtue of position and earned respect. Implied respect one is entitled commensurate with rank or position. Earned respect is much different, it is harder to achieve and comes over a period of time. Primarily achieved by leading by example, being steadfast in word and deed and taking care of soldiers discharged to our care.

E. Know Your Profession

1. Continue to educate yourself to maintain technical and tactical proficiency. Knowledge and proficiency breed confidence and sound judgment.

2. Know your Soldiers and their limitations (strengths/weaknesses). Encourage them to learn and grow by furthering their education.

F. Goals

1. Must be realistic and attainable.

2. Plan short, mid and long-range goals. Write them down and review them periodically.

G. Mission Accomplishment

1. Everything is important. Prioritize tasks.

2. The mission is always first. The challenge is taking care of your Soldiers while accomplishing the mission.

3. I will provide you with sufficient guidance, resources and time to accomplish the mission. Ensure you understand all aspects of any mission before you move out.

4. Again your mission is to lead, train, instill discipline and take care of soldiers.

H. Physical Fitness

1. A score of 300 points on the APFT is excellent, but what matters most is maximum effort.

2. If our Soldiers give 100% effort, the results will take care of themselves. Effort comes from the heart.

I. Communication

1. Avoid confusing

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