Creative Writing
By: Jessica • Essay • 1,159 Words • March 12, 2010 • 1,062 Views
Creative Writing
It was dark; the atmosphere created a sorrow and grief condition. The sun was no longer there since the moon took its place. A cool breeze was blowing sending leaves dancing noisily across the road. It was really a damn cold night! I could feel the water vapour soaked into my skin. Even the centipedes were singing, my ears captured a strange voice and it made me started to feel weird. Standing alone on a bridge, waiting in the dark and a thought of spooky, scared me. I wish that Elie would be here in the nick of time.
Within a few minutes, I saw Elie coming towards me with guilty face. I was absolutely sure that she was giving me a crocodile tears and I knew that she would face the music of mine because she could not make her word. We promised to gather at 8 pm and she was late. To seek my forgiveness, Elie would foot the bills for our meals tomorrow.
Slowly, I smiled at her.
After that, we started walking. Elie and I were on our way to Katie’s house because she had a small party in celebration of her birthday. I was happy for her because this was the first time she celebrated her birthday and she talked much about how she felt when her parents scolded her just because she wished to make a party. She was from a poor family and her parents always said that beggars couldn’t be choosers. Thus, with sympathy for her, I had planned with other friends to give her surprise, I already told her parent and they will make sure that she was out until the clock tickling the midnight.
Suddenly, the sky became pitch black. I had a bad feeling about what will be coming next. And before I had a second thought, it was raining; heavily! I started to feel worried because both of us did not bring an umbrella. And what make the situation worse, our destination is still far away because Katie’s house was outskirts the village. Elie took my hand. We looked at each other for a while, didn’t have a clue on what are we suppose to do, or more precisely, where should we head to. I knew that it was impossible for us to continue walking. Having no choice, we continue on walking with hope we can find a shelter.
Luckily, I saw a brush house. Even the light was dim; I knew that there must be someone in there, since I saw a shadow through the window. I was quite confused because I never knew that there was the house there. But then I realized that that thing didn’t matter at the moment. The only thing that is matter is to get a shelter before the situation gets any worse. I nudged at Elie and showed her the house. With the looks in her eyes, I knew she didn’t want to go, but do we have a choice? I pulled her hand and immediately headed to the house.
Fearlessly, a knocked the door. Quiet! I tried again but there was no answer. I looked at Elie and I saw her gloomy face. I was shocked that her face was as white as a sheet. Was she scared? I felt uncomfortable but still pretended that I was all right. As I turned to knock the door again, I was utterly shocked when the door opened slowly. An old man with white hair and dark brown skin stood there. Through his pale eyes, I saw that he might feel lonely. I was speechless for a while. Then, I told him that Elie and I needed a shelter. However, he was still staring with untranslated eyes, making me nervous. Just what was up with this man?
Then, he opened the door widely. Quickly I slipped inside and Elie followed me. To my surprise, there was nothing inside the house; there were no carpets, no furniture, what was there were only two old chairs. The wall was painted white, but its looks like the white paint has been ripped away, leaving it greyish like.