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Dajaras Talk Show to the Doorway to Creativity

Dajaras: Next we would like to welcome ‘Faith’ to our Dajaras doorway to Creativity…

Ok stay focus

Dajaras: … all the way from Oakland, California…

Smile stay claim don’t get nervous. Look left look right wave smile. I hope the camera won’t make me fat.

Producers: OK Struggle you’re on in 15

Dajaras… ladies and gentleman’s pleas give a warm welcome to Struggle live here in Time square New York, New York.

And the crowd goes wild

Dajaras: Welcome to the show and how you are today

Faith: I am feeling fabulous about being a gust on your show today.

Dajaras: Will how bout we start off by telling us what will you be bringing to the table today?

Faith: My name is Faith. I represent struggle in everyday society, today I will be sharing the overwhelming struggles and how important it is to take action to keep faith. Even when it may seem like there is nothing left to keep faith in.

Dajaras: When you say every day society what exactly do you mean, do you mean world wide?

Faith: That is exactly what I mean. If we create faith in ourselves by believing and telling ourselves “tomorrow isn’t going to be as bad as today,” confidence with in will bring faith. Just think about all the killing just in New York City its time to stop the madness. Just yesterday a close friend of mind got shoot in the neck back home. She was leaving Hilltop Mall with her new boyfriend. Two cars pull up on both sides of the automobile. Just because the aggressors want the boyfriend to suffer my friend was shoot and kill. Just to send a message to the boyfriend: I can have you head anytime. Now a 19 year old, girl is dead, leaving behind a 3-year old daughter, mother and siblings. I hear story thought different community everyday. Someone dies for no reason and families morning all over the world.

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