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Critical Discourse Analysis

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Critical Discourse Analysis

Critical Discourse Analysis


Naturism is an alternative discourse, as consciously and systematically proposes a vision of reality, an order of things and a logic of social relations that diverge from the hegemonic ideology. In this sense, this naturalism is political, if we understand the political and ethical proposal of interaction and social action. There arises the need for its exponents to adopt discursive strategies that allow them to justify it. Then drove the hypothesis that the discursive strategies used by the author in question share some.

Are our goals in this paper: review of the structures of meaning in the discourse of that author through the selected sample, those pertaining to the construction of the identity I, We, Naturism and underlying the discursive construction of reality be must be present and the alternative proposal, to identify the strategic functions that are fulfilled in the discourse, to compare the logic of this discourse with political discourse.

Define the arguments means, first, to break with formal logic and tradition of thought and, second, discussion regarding the argument as a subject area that restates much of the same original tradition.

However, propose plot analysis as a tool for linguistic analysis also leads us to understand it as a concrete manifestation of language in use. And speaking of argument precisely as a phenomenon of language in use is necessary to perform three basic tasks

As a distinct tradition of formal logic, is just add the notion of audience. As we approach the definition of argument from the rhetorical tradition comes to an argument for a hearing. Put in colloquial terms, the argument is an argument for someone in a given situation.


Essential features of political discourse. These features are: The leader takes as its starting point the current situation and gives its opinion, is offered in exchange for the current situation, providing tools for that change, the political discourse as an agent of degradation processes and as opponent agent improvement processes to the issuer and its group

Are our goals in this paper: review of the structures of meaning in the discourse of that author through the selected sample, those pertaining to the construction of the identity I, We, Naturism and underlying be the discursive construction of reality must be present and the alternative proposal, to identify the strategic functions that are fulfilled in the discourse, to compare the logic of this discourse with political discourse. Success will set the thematic structure of discourse, the semantic actants and estancial system and processes.

Method and corpus

Critical discourse analysis by considering that the text is necessarily embedded in a context, the discourse being the conjunction of both components.

The text that conveys a set of meanings that makes sense if considered in relation to the context: the participants of the communicative event, time, space and circumstances.

Actants and lexicalization processes

Is the analysis of lexicalization that allows us to arrive later the meaning of the discourse structures. The establishment of semantic fields Pottier, made up of complex structured syntactically significant, is one of the linguistic level that most directly leads us to discover the relations of logical-conceptual level.

Estancial Analysis

The above leads to the development of hospitality towards areas where we can see the representation of events through the relationships between the actants. We saw actantial areas which are located in the actants of the two themes in the discourse.

We note that the patient or immediate product of the process issue raised in the decline of the species subject that corresponds to the knot of the initial situation in turn becomes the motivation of the author's proposal "Naturism". Another interesting aspect is the structuring of speech by opposing pairs selfish altruism, pollution naturism

Well past sunset, which justifies the conclusion that the proposal is constructed as a reverse mirror image of reality. In this sense we could speak of a radical change of the inversion of values.

As a distinct tradition of formal logic, is just add the notion of audience. As we approach the definition of argument from the rhetorical tradition comes to an argument for a hearing. Put in colloquial terms, the argument is an argument for someone in a given situation.

He suggested a thesis before an audience, however, we are not understanding

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