Crystal Meth Users
By: David • Essay • 419 Words • April 19, 2010 • 1,072 Views
Crystal Meth Users
One of the major stigmas with purchasers of crystal meth, is that only freaks, low income and homosexual men . The truth is that a vast array of people from all different specs of society are using and purchasing this deadly drug. College students to stay awake and study, maybe even the stockbroker you hired to invest your money for you. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive drug that can be manufactured by using products
commercially available anywhere in the United States. So, in fact many middle class youths
are using the drug today.(According to the 2000 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse) An
estimated 8.8 million people (4.0 percent of the population) have tried methamphetamine at some
time in their lives.
Methamphetamine is not a new drug or a new problem. It has been around for decades
under the names "speed", "crank","Tina" and "ice". In the 1930's it was used by doctors to treat
nasal and bronchial aliments in addition to narcolepsy. In the 1950's and 1960's it was used legally
by truck drivers to stay awake during long trips. In addition it was also recommended as a anti-
depressant as well as, a weight loss solution.
Methamphetamine is an increasingly popular drug at raves and as a part of a number of
drugs used by college