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Crystel Change Management Plan & Defense

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Crystel Change Management Plan & Defense

CrysTel is a telecommunications company operating in Illinois, U.S. with an employee strength of 2,500 and annual revenue of $200 million. The CrysTel product profile includes data cables, wireless solutions, and network development (Building, 2004). There will be a management plan change developed for CrysTel.

There is a rapid and frequent advance in the telecommunications industry. CrysTel is likely to face technological and administrative changes regularly. This author (LaWanda Thomas) has been assigned the task of providing the information necessary to optimize flexibility, promote innovation, and sustain change. As a Management Consultant, this author will identify strong and weak areas of the organization and apply behavioral change techniques to build a culture that can sustain change. This will relate to the issue from the text Lewin’s change model and systems model of change. A systems model of change takes a big picture perspective of change. It focuses on the interaction among the key components of change. The three main components of change are inputs, target elements of change, and outputs. The target elements of change represent the components of an organization that may be changed. They include organizing arrangements, social factors, methods, goals, and people (Kinicki & Kreitner, 2004).

One of the objectives is to commission a survey that would enable this author to identify which departments are strongest and weakest in different areas. An Employee Satisfaction Survey Climate Survey was conducted for this task. The Employee Satisfaction Survey quantifies satisfaction for work-related issues such as supervisory guidance, teamwork, and communication. This survey would be useful for a department analysis. Employee feedback can be used to plan for training and knowledge updates to resolve people-related issues. The performance of any department has a direct relation to the flow of communication, the type of leadership, and the level to which the employees are motivated (Building, 2004).

The results of the survey concluded two departments were weak in very sensitive areas. The Marketing department is not very strong in leading by example, risk-taking and resolving conflicts. This is because the department has several teams working in different parts of the country. Lack of training and mentoring could be a reason for poor performance. The Marking department lacks interdepartmental communication and teamwork. The interdepartmental communication issue relates to the article in Newswire that states, “Interdepartmental communication can be achieved in a more personal way”. By keeping the customer service department more informed. This approach gives the team a perspective they otherwise do not have (Lewis, 2006).

The Sales and Delivery department is not very strong in employee and senior communication, empowering, and mentoring its employees. The senior sales people also expect that any conflicts or issues be raised only during the semi-annual performance review (Building, 2004).

The Marking department and the Sales and Delivery department can solved some of their employee issues by leading by example. Initiate employee participation in problem solving. Senior Management could actively involve subordinates in problem solving activities. This will increase interaction between the seniors and subordinates. Subordinates will be able to observe their seniors handle problems and issues proactively. Senior Management will be able to lead teams effectively, increase communication with subordinates, and help subordinates learn about problem solving.

These two departments can create urgency through specific objectives. Senior Management could set specific performance objectives for all the teams, including Senior Management. This will create a sense of urgency in the team to meet the specified objectives. It will help the Senior Management lead the employees effectively by meeting their own objective.

Constantly communicate and listen to employees will change the atmosphere within the organization. Senior Management will initiate activities and create forums to constantly communicate and listen to employees. This is a direct tactic that requires Senior Management to become proactive in their respective teams. Overtly express appreciation of high performance. Senior Management will overtly express their appreciation of employees with good performance. This will give a boost to employee performance and increase communication between the seniors and subordinates. This ideal for changing the culture within the two departments relates to

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