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Css 330 - Critical Thinking and Computer Logic

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Css 330 - Critical Thinking and Computer Logic

Critical Thinking and Computer Logic

CSS 330


This course provides students opportunities for analysis, synthesis, prescription, and application of critical thinking and decision making within the organization. Emphasis is placed on preparing managers who can deal clearly, rationally, and creatively with a diverse workforce and dynamic workplace. This course equips students with concrete skills in critical thinking and decision making that will allow them to identify and solve organizational problems, as well as provide strategic direction. Basic computer logic is also examined.


Please refer to the UOP Course eResource/Module for a detailed listing of the course topics.


Please refer to the UOP Course eResource/Module for a detailed listing of the course objectives.




• Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper.

 Utilizing various resources (Internet, magazines, trade journals, etc.) find a decision-making model. Write a 700-1,050-word paper utilizing at least two different references. In your paper be sure to describe the model and apply it to a recent job-related decision you have made. Be sure to identify all the steps in your chosen decision-making model and describe how critical thinking impacted the decision. Be prepared to discuss your paper in class.


• Fallacy Summary and Application Paper.

 Select three logical fallacies from your readings. Prepare a 1,050-1,400-word paper, in which you define each of the three fallacies, explain its significance to Critical Thinking, and discuss its general application to Decision Making. Using various sources (Internet, magazines, trade journals, etc.) find organizational examples that illustrate each one of your chosen fallacies. Be sure to use and cite at least four different references in your paper.


• Tools and Techniques Paper.

 Prepare a 1,050-1,400-word paper discussing a decision-making tool or technique as described on the course website or another site on the Internet. Make sure your discussion includes a description of the tool or technique as well as an application example from external sources or from your workplace experiences. Explain when one would and when one would not use the tool/technique. Within a Learning Team ensure that two people do not choose the same tool or technique.


• Critical Thinking Case Study.

 Prepare a 1,750-2,100 word paper on the critical thinking case study assignment, “Critical Thinking Case Study: Let it Pour - My First Assignment as Executive Assistant.” You will work individually to complete this critical-thinking case study analysis.

 For use in completing the individual Case Study assignment, access the following University of Phoenix Materials located on the :

• “Critical Thinking Case Study: Let it Pour”

• “Case Study Characteristics: Evaluation Form”

• “Preparing Case Study Analysis”

• “Problem Solving Tools and Techniques”

• “Decision Making Steps”

• “Decision Making Worksheet”


• NETg Simulation Assignment.

 Using the page, complete the NETg course 46001 simulation.

 Prepare a 700-1,050-word paper summarizing the content of the simulation. In your paper, be sure to answer the following:

• Based on the advantages and limitations identified in the simulation, explain how this impacts your

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