Define the Term System. Requirement Analysis and Definition Is the Foundation for Any Systems Development. It Is Independent of the Approach You Take for Design. Explain This Statement with Example.
By: lokesh9819257722 • Research Paper • 4,059 Words • May 6, 2011 • 2,280 Views
Define the Term System. Requirement Analysis and Definition Is the Foundation for Any Systems Development. It Is Independent of the Approach You Take for Design. Explain This Statement with Example.
Define the term SYSTEM. Requirement analysis and definition is the foundation for any
systems development. It is independent of the approach you take for design. Explain this
statement with example.
Csr practices
What is csr
Corporate social responsibility:
What is corporate social responsilbilty?
Corporate social responsibility (CSR, also called corporate conscience, corporate citizenship, social performance, or sustainable responsible business)[1] is a form ofcorporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. CSR policy functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business monitors and ensures its active compliance with the spirit of the law, ethical standards, and international norms. The goal of CSR is to embrace responsibility for the company's actions and encourage a positive impact through its activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stakeholders and all other members of the public sphere. Furthermore, CSR-focused businesses would proactivelypromote the public interest by encouraging community growth and development, and voluntarily eliminating practices that harm the public sphere, regardless of legality. CSR is the deliberate inclusion of public interest into corporate decision-making, that is the core business of the company or firm, and the honouring of a triple bottom line: people, planet, profit.
The term "corporate social responsibility" came in to common use in the late 1960s and early 1970s, after many multinational corporations formed. The term stakeholder, meaning those on whom an organization's activities have an impact, was used to describe corporate owners beyond shareholders as a result of an influential book by R. Edward Freeman, Strategic management: a stakeholder approach in 1984.[2] Proponents argue that corporations make more long term profits by operating with a perspective, while critics argue that CSR distracts from the economic role of businesses. Others argue CSR is merely window-dressing, or an attempt to pre-empt the role of governments as a watchdog over powerful multinational corporations.
CSR is titled to aid an organization's mission as well as a guide to what the company stands for and will uphold to its consumers. Development business ethics is one of the forms ofapplied ethics that examines ethical principles and moral or ethical problems that can arise in a business environment. ISO 26000 is the recognized international standard for CSR (currently a Draft International Standard). Public sector organizations (the United Nations for example) adhere to the triple bottom line (TBL). It is widely accepted that CSR adheres to similar principles but with no formal act of legislation. The UN has developed the Principles for Responsible Investment as guidelines for investing entities.
Advantages of csr
CSR is about opportunities, not about obligations and rules. It's a way you can add value to your business by taking a closer look at your social and environmental aspects of your operations.
The advantage to your company are:
• Better Reputation and Customer Loyalty
• Increasing Competitiveness
• Improved Risk Management
• Higher Satisfaction and Motivation levels among Employees
• Enhanced Stakeholder Trust.
Components of csr
The emerging concept of CSR goes beyond charity and requires the company to act beyond its legal obligations and to integrate social, environmental and ethical concerns into company's business process. What is generally understood by CSR is that the business has a responsibility – towards its stakeholders and society at large – that extends beyond its legal and enforceable obligations. The triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) approach to CSR emphasizes a company's commitment to operating in an economically, socially and environmentally sustainable manner. The emerging concept of CSR advocates moving away from a ‘shareholder alone' focus to a ‘multi-stakeholder' focus. This would include investors, employees, business partners, customers, regulators, supply chain, local communities, the environment and society at large. The key components of CSR would therefore include the following:
Corporate Governance: Within the ambit of corporate governance, major issues are the accountability,