By: Artur • Research Paper • 3,143 Words • April 28, 2010 • 880 Views
Nathan jumped into his 95' Bronco, parked in front of his apartment, and tore off to his best friend Lee's house.
Nathan thinks, "She is cheating on me, I just know it." He speeds down 14th street, where is apartment is, and then takes a left to get onto the highway. His tires break the silence of night by screeching as he takes the turn. As he speeds down the highway, it starts to rain. He was going over one hundred miles per hour, when he passed a West Chester police car in the opposite lane. Immediately the cops sirens turn on, and the chase is on.
The cop outlandishly yells, "Here we go again!"
He speeds up to the Bronco, and now they are just feet away with the cop car behind Nathan signaling to pull over.
Nathan was not going to stop, he was on a mission. For once he could prove that his girlfriend has been cheating on him. Nathan mutters to him self "Bring it on pig, you ain't gonna cath me!" as he turns on some hard rock music on his Alpine CD player.
Nathan is now going one hundred and twenty miles per hour in his supped up Bronco. The cop never loses an inch, still trailing on the highway, a few feet behind him. Being a well educated driver through numerous video games, and attending racing schools that his Uncle taught, he knew exactly how to ditch this cop.
Nathan took a ninety degree turn to the right, and nearly missed a huge semi truck, now heading north up 13th street, the same street which Lee, his best friend lives on.
Having gaining some ground with that sharp turn, Nate was now a good hundred yards ahead of the trailing cop. Nate looks back in his rear view mirror, and can barley see the cops lights through the rain.
Nate turned off his lights and then slammed on the brakes. He was there, he was at Lee's house. Nate pull in, with his lights still off and parks in between Lee's motor home, and his girlfriends car.
Seconds later, the cop drives right past the house, and keep on pursuing down 13th street.
Nate ran up to the door and kicked it in, splitting the pine wood into splinters. He runs down the hallway of Lee's house, and throws open Lee's bedroom door. It was Lee, and Nathan's girlfriend, passionately making out. Nate's body fills with anger.
Nate violently screams out, "What the hell do you think you are doing you prick!?" Nate grabs Lee's neck, pulls him away from his girlfriend Andrea, and starts to choke him..
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry" Lee manages to say, "I don't know what we were thinking."
"What are you doing stop! Nate stop please you are hurting him!" cries out Andrea, as tears run down her face.
Nate screams back, "I am ending this love triangle!" He now squeezes harder, and harder. Stopping any air flow from going into, or out of Lee's lungs.
Andrea stands up, and starts hitting Nate on the side of the head, "Stop, please. It's not his fault, its mine, stop!"
Nate turns to Andrea and threatens, "I know it is your fault, your next." He looks deeply into his best friends eyes as Lee's last few moments pass.
Right before Nate kills Lee, he leans forward and whispers in his ear, "I told you that if you ever fooled around with Andrea and I caught you, I would kill you. When I told you this three weeks ago, you kinda just laughed.
"Huh, whatever." Were your exact words.
"Well its not funny any more, is it?" Nathan tells Lee fiercely.
Lee's eyes now turn red due to busted blood veins. One by one his veins blew up, like the way a water pipe blows up when it freezes.
Lee's blood drenched eyes roll back in his head. His last look at the world he once knew was the look in Nate's eyes. The look of complete insanity, and anger. The fierce violence of his lifetime best friend, strangling him.
Lee's limp body falls out of Nate's deadly hands, and rolls off the bed towards Andrea.. Lee was dead.
Andrea looked at Nate and started yelling, "Look what you did! He's dead! I can not believe what you did, you are not going to get away with this Nathan!"
Nate just looks around the room and pretends not to listen. But something catches his eye, he sees a picture of Andrea and Lee kissing. He takes the push pin out, and looks even closer at the picture. It appeared