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Edgar Allan Poe

By:   •  Essay  •  299 Words  •  April 5, 2010  •  983 Views

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Edgar Allan Poe

Edgar Allen Poe was born in 1809. His mother was a actress who had three children total. She contracted tuberculosis. Poe even watched her die in bed, when he was not yet three. Poe was sent to a foster home by his father, and he was taken in by the Allen's family. This new family of his, brought young Edgar up to be a fine, polite, gentleman. A older woman Poe loves, named Jane Stannard dies of brain cancer. His foster mother, Mrs. Allen contracted tuberculosis and laid sick in bed, meanwhile her husband was having affairs in her house. To get rid of Poe, Mr. Allen sent him to the University of Virginia. He left Poe in desperate financial straits. In order to avoid the debtors Edgar went to West Point, a military collage. He rises in rank swiftly. In 1829 Poe's foster mother dies from the tuberculosis. He moves in with his aunt, Maria, and third cousin, Virginia. He becomes the editor of the Southern Literary Messenger, in turn developing the nickname "The Tomahawk Man" for his brutal editing. When Poe

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