Effects of Mtv
By: Mike • Essay • 287 Words • March 18, 2010 • 754 Views
Effects of Mtv
Power is in the hands of the media, children are passively taking in the visual-auditory displays (van der Voort, 1986), leaving them susceptible to its influence. Inhibitions towards aggressive expression are reduced, desensitization sets in. Blood and gore lose its ability to shock, and empathy declines. It erodes the children’s emotional revulsion towards aggression (Feshbach, Singer, 1980). A study, involving 557 children over 15 years, investigates the relations between childhood violent media exposure and adult aggression. And there is a significant correlation; Huesmann, Moise-Titus, Podolski, Eron (2003) found that:
Men who were high TV-violence viewers as children were significantly more
likely to have pushed, grabbed, or shoved their spouses, to have responded to
an insult by shoving a person, to have been convicted of a crime, and to have
committed a moving traffic violation (p. 210).
Development of aggression occurs with precipitating factors like parental intervention, neurological causes, socio-economic status etc (Huesmann, Moise-Titus, Podolski, Eron, 2003). Parental concern is pivotal in a child’s development; therefore