Egyptian Life Under Roman Rule
By: Steve • Essay • 359 Words • May 15, 2010 • 1,236 Views
Egyptian Life Under Roman Rule
Life in Ancient Egypt was one of cycles, dictated by the Nile. The time to plant, the time to harvest, even the time to build, were dictated by its flowing waters. The Nile ruled Egypt for over two thousand years. However in 31 B.C., a new force came to rule Egypt, as it had never been ruled before. The Assyrians, Hyksos, Persians, had all conquered the people of the Nile. Yet later, all had been expelled by the Egyptians. Even the mighty Greeks had been assimilated into the Ptolemies, ruling Egypt as Pharaohs, not as Greeks. However the legions of Rome could not be expelled, nor assimilated. They brought with them little respect for the existing culture, religion, and rulers. They began sweeping yet effective change for the Egyptian people in agriculture, religion, and many aspects of everyday life.
Before the Romans, and even before the Ptolemaic Greeks, Egypt was the land of Pharaohs. The Pharaoh or the king, was the ruler of all. "He or she was in theory the only landholder, the only priest, the only judge and the only warrior" , in ancient Egypt. In practice, he or she surrounded himself with ministers and officials who worked under the supervision of the vizier. This was how Egypt had been run for thousands of years, through several dynasties. Foreign groups had invaded, been driven back, and even conquered