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English: The Crucible

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English: The Crucible

The crucible is a tragic play based on the terrifying witch-hunt in Salem Massachusetts in the year of 1692. Arthur Miller wrote this play in 1953 during the McCarthy period when Americans were accusing each other of being communists, or communist supporters. It was the similarities of these two eras that caused Miller to write the Crucible.

The Crucible meaning a pot to melt metals in or the hollow parts of a blast furnace, were the motel steel collects, being entirely broken down due to immense heat.

This was the title that captured Arthur Millers mind, and also was what he thought was the defined metaphor for what happen in Salem Massachusetts, and what could undoubtedly happen in America if things should proceed as they were.

Arthur Miller wrote the play from a personal experience, as he was a victim to the McCarthy Investigating Committee. He admitted attending communist writers conferences and was asked to give names of other, but like his character John proctor Arthur refused, taking blame for his himself only.

The mass hysteria began in the seventeenth century, when members of society started worshipping the devil; life within the community became despondent as victims were vastly being accused of witchery. Women were primarily accused, because of their knowledge of herbal remedies.

Witch hunting and evil Salem trials were all driven by the puritans’ belief of the devil. They strongly believed that the devil could entice men, and manipulate men into doing evil, which is why they were so sure that the “Devils servants” were among them.

This play reflects how one individual could bring desolation and obliteration to an entire community, in the form of a character named Abigail Williams.

But one must stop and ask: Was Abigail Williams entirely to blame for the events that took place in Salem? Or did she just add fuel to the already burning fire.

The opening scene begins with Betty who is lying unconscious on the bed due to dancing out in the forest the night before, with Abigail Tituba Mercy and, Mary Warren.


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