Environment Sustainbility
By: hassu0001 • Research Paper • 2,105 Words • May 17, 2011 • 1,973 Views
Environment Sustainbility
Objectives of operation management:
1-cost: lowering price can increase demand or service, but it also reduce profit margin if the product or service cannot be produced at lower cost.for example amazon vision for customer Relentlessly focus on customer experience by offering our customer low prices,etc in case study. This means amazon is already towards cost where operation manager control the cost of labour material, product,services etc. they also focus on improving design and management of operation must create system that lower cost per unit of the product or service.
2-quality:the word quality ring bells in every industry in every company but to follow it consistently is a challenging task. It is a complex dimension of a product or services that is often related to both tangible and perceptual aspects defined by the customer. In today's competition quality has important market implication. Hish performance design it advocate on the level of particular attributes such as superior feature, close tolerance, and greater durability and availability of service employees and safety of product or services therefore amazon has result ever best in 13th Christmas in case study due to better high performance design and quality service towards customer & amazon has instituted many internal safeguqrds to track the behaviour of merchants. For instance retailer have to use an email service on amazon to communicate with customer on amazon this lead to quality control.
3-Time:Time is a money for every leading business firm in today's world. Some companies do business at internet speed and amazon is the one where all of the business is done through internet. They deal with three priorities 1) fast delivery: the first time priority fast delivery time is the elapsed time between recieveing a customer order and filling it, sometimes termed lead time by industrial buyers. A manufacturers can shorten delivery time by storing inventory for example amazon has best delivery service due to their operation system and warehouse management where they have inventory in bulk.2) on time delivery: iit measure the frequency with which delivery time promises are met. Many manufactures measure on time delivery as the percentage of customers orders shipped. Amazon usual records every mouse click a visitor made, spend time ans frequency time of amazon can be read by the number of orders they made and amazon in 2006 launched fulfilment by amazon merchant simply send boxes of their product to amazon warehouse and amazon does rest. 3) development speed:the third time priority development speed measure how quickly a new product or service is introduced, covering the eplased time from idea generation through final design to market introduction. For example amazon introduce kindle, the e book reader for digital books, magazines and newspaper. Create from scratch no hdeapertiser. Kindle sale hit 1.2 billion by 2010. 4) flexibility : it is a characteristic of firm operation that enables it to react to customer needs quality and efficiency a) customization: many customer require unique or customized product service in which amazon have flexible operation system to receive individual customer order, adjust design and create the requested product and service.
Supply chain management seeks to synchronize firm's processes and those of its suppliers and customers to match the flow of material service and information with customer demand. It means all facilities, functions and activities associated with the flow and transformation of goods and services from raw material as well as the associated information flows. For example amazon owes much Amazon.com owes much of its success to its enhancements to the shopping experience, but its strength in the future will hinge on supply chain and fulfillment capabilities, along with the continuation of popular pricing strategies, according to an article on the Wharton Business School's. managing customer interface: the internet dramatically changed the way companies serve their customer. Amazon.com has totally change while shooping or purchasing product from internet with their mix technologies and operation & supply chain management .
Total quality management ia a holistic approach to longterm success that views continuous improvement in all aspects of an organization as a process and not as short term goal. It aims to radically transform the organization throughprogressive changes in the attitudes, practices, structure and system for amazon the two main aim of tqm are zero defect and total consumer satis faction. TQM advantages for amazon 1) improve reputation faults and problem are spotted and started solving. 2)amazon employee have higher morale workers motivated by extra responsibility, team work and involvement in decision of TQM.3) decrease waste as fewer defective product and no nedd for separate. TQM processes