Environmental Philosophy
By: Meshack • Essay • 1,429 Words • July 16, 2011 • 2,255 Views
Environmental Philosophy
Environmental Philosophy
As illustrated in the book, the environment entails interdependent parts with man being dominant. Individuals retain dominance in making decision on utilization of land-based resources. Similarly, certain governing principles exist which define boundaries and stipulate how man should cooperate while accessing these resources. The principles include land ethics, which reflects individual's convictions for the utilization of the land. Further, environmental ethics entails the moral linkages and values that individual's show for the ecological base and its resources. Moral issues also guide individual's decision-making on certain acts for the environment. People who execute pollution prevention actions for the environment happen to gain their option from the feeling that they have certain roles to fulfill towards environmental care. It appears that intertwining ecological morals and ethics generates land ethics. The paper thus discusses diverse aspects of land rights incorporating environmental morality and ethics.
Ethics derive their foundation on a premise that an individual is a constituent of the society thus should act as such. Therefore, the individual is prompted to contend for his place in that community and his ethics make him to oblige. This is in order to attain a place for him to compete. Land ethics broaden the precincts of the society to embrace water, and soil; furthermore, animals also come to play. A land ethic connotes the presence of green ethics, and illustrates individual conscientiousness for the propagation of land. These include indulgence and preserving the capacity of land self-renewal. This fails to illustrate that land ethic can thwart the use of such resources, administration, or the modification of these resources. It does however, affirms their right to existence, and in diverse spots their continued existence in a natural state. A land ethic alters our role as subjugators of the land community to usual affiliates. This necessitates respect for affiliates and the community as such. The less vicious human changes are the superior the prospect for triumphant land self-renewal.
Animal rights and human wrongs exemplify the subjugation of the land community. How this is is a good example? For centuries, animals have been hunted for food, clothing, and other resources with no regard to how this might affect our environment. Animals are being used as test subjects to advance scientific research and in some of the cases the animal is subjected to unbearable pain and mutilations unthinkable for doing to humans. Are we considering land ethics by doing this and are we revere the animals' rights? As land conquerors, we humans seem only to care about our own survival needs and take no consideration to just how much this attitude is having a negative impact on our environment. Which will ultimately affect humans in the future? All animal species are fundamental as evident in their roles in self-renewal progression. For example, anteaters are central to their milieu since they control the proportion termites thus safeguarding trees. This affirms that termites do not annihilate a forest. Every species has a specific thing that they do and we, as humans need to keep that in mind as we advance in our settings. Utilizing the resources with no regard to how it affects our environment is irresponsible and overall damaging to the future of all living things. So how can we assure our existence as well as other species? Land ethics is a good start and developing better laws to protect the rights of nature in general will have a positive impact on our survival. Is animal life equal to that of a human? From a religious perspective it could be argued no, but leaving religion out, animals have just as much right to be protected as a human.
Options that individuals take while utilizing land resources including water, soil, plants, and animals are entirely reflected in the land rights. Furthermore, individual's ecological conscience generates their responsibility for land. These entail comprehensions about land's ability for self-rejuvenation together with measures of preserving land. It is notable to recognize that land ethics does not put limitations for individual's access to land resources. It also does not utter the management and modification of land. However, it emphasizes land resources rights for existence and in certain cases, in natural states. It also alters the notion that man dominates the land and expects individuals to assume mere land community membership.
Utilizing animals in executing scientific studies notably violates land ethics. Concerns, which emerge, entail the moral errors and correctness of this course. Researchers engaged in this aspect sustain their arguments indicating that animals use in research enable flourishing of human generations. This