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By:   •  Book/Movie Report  •  558 Words  •  January 2, 2015  •  809 Views

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Erin Brockovich”

This movie is about a lady named Erin, who is working for Ed a lawyer, she being interested to the case of the Hinkley residents because of the unusual medical cases regarding the real estate where she decided to make a follow up of the case. After I finished watching the movie I began thinking about the related articles mentioned and the first thing that came to my mind is Art.1156, the article for obligation. Obviously there were numerous scenes that showed that an obligation was present. Art.1159-Contractual Obligation, this article was seen when the case favoured the Hinkley residents where PG&E has to comply with their obligation to pay all damages caused.Art.1162- quasi-delicts, was also presented in the movie because of the case between Erin and the doctor for the traffic accident they’re in to. Art.1169-Delay, this article applies when the residents have spent a lot of money for their medication and the payment for the damages it caused them was delayed because of the prolonged court discretion about the said case. Art.1170 for fraud made by the PG&E against the residents where they told the people about putting chromium 3 in the water, which they claim that will not affect the health of the people instead it has a good effect but then they know that they have the so-called hexavalent chromium which has a bad effect to people’s health. PG&E also give flyers to the people and arrange seminars to deceive the residents about the truth behind the chromium 6 which caused illnesses to the residents.Art.1173 was for the negligence of the PG&E about the complains they receive about the effects of chromium 6 although they have knowledge of it they still continued having it, kept it a secret and disregarded the complaint. Art.1176 about presumption, this can be associated when Erin investigated more about the real estate case and as she digs deeper on the evidence she started to presume that PG&E is really liable to the case. Art.1179 for the suspensive condition, this was portrayed when Erin was asked by Ed to work again for him and investigate more about the real estate case but Erin asked for benefits which she will be having if she could provide more strong evidence and after the fulfilment of the case she will acquire enough compensation for accomplishing then condition. Art.1232 tackles about payment which was seen at the end of the movie when the Hinkley residents received the payment for damages that PG&E had caused them. Art.1233 the rule of integrity was shown in the part of the complete payment of the debt of PG&E to the residents.

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