Essay Friends, Good Friends and Such Good Friends the Author Judith Viorst
By: Mikki • Essay • 738 Words • April 16, 2010 • 6,873 Views
Essay Friends, Good Friends and Such Good Friends the Author Judith Viorst
Friends……In the dictionary a friend means one attached to another by affection; a favor; one who is propitious; a favorite. To woman friends are different types of people and relationships. In the essay Friends, Good Friends and such Good Friends the author Judith Viorst describe a couple of the many different types of friendship women have. We as women form a type of bond with other woman very different than men do with other men.
Viorst tells us that at one point she would have said a friend is a friend all the way. But the truth of the matter is a friendship with one person can be totally different with another person. Some friends for example are friends out of convenience, these woman you tend to met at a Mommy and Me class or at your child’s car pool. These women you tend not to tell your deepest secret too, they are friends that help you out with favors. Not at any points do your convenience friends don’t mean as much as your close friends they are more of a mutual aid to you at times.
Sometimes a woman has a special interest friend, these friends are friends that have the same interest in things as you do. It might be a friend you made will playing tennis at the country club or a woman you met in yoga class. The point of these friends is not to be intimate and talk about other thing other then your interest. Sometimes it is hard to have your husband or your best friends really interest in the same things you are. For example my husband rather run up hill then play tennis with me and my best friend really doesn’t like doing yoga she says she has a bad back. So I made it a point to make a friend at the club and at yoga class so I can partner up with. That is why special interest friends come in handy.
More often then not a woman has a part of a couple friends, especially women who have boyfriends or husbands. I my case my husband has one married friend and three friends with girlfriends. When the guys get together that’s the only time I see these women and socialize with them. Usually we talk about the guys, work and what is up the celebrity gossip. These types of friends make the football game barbecue a bit better to tolerate.
Historical and crossroad friends are more or less the same type of friends. They are friends that you have a past with. These friends were you