By: Bred • Essay • 570 Words • May 4, 2010 • 1,147 Views
Joyce Wright
English I
Mrs. Reno
February 11, 2007
Are You Depressed
Being in a dark locked closet feeling as if you will never be able to get out is a lot like being in the mind of a depressed person. Most of the time you can not wait till the sun goes down to go to bed and hate knowing the sun has risen that you have to get up for another day in this dark world. There is no simple explanation for why people experience depression; although there is a cure. A complex disease may develop for a variety of reasons. It can affect anyone at any age, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, or income level. I am hoping this essay will explain to my readers what depression is and some causes and its signs and symptoms.
First, I want everyone to understand what depression is, (a serious medical condition that can cause problems with everyday activities). In addition, I want my readers to know how to recognize when they feel it or see it in a loved one. Some people with depression often experience physical and emotional symptoms too. For instance, we depressed one might not able to go to classes, or work. Just doing every day chores seem like a heavy burned.
Next, I would like to explain to you some of the known causes of depression. Of course, some people may become depressed after a major life change for instance, the death of a loved one, a divorce, the loss of a job or a move. Unbelievably even seemingly, happy events, such as becoming a parent or getting married, can trigger depression. A family history of depression, physical, sexual, or emotional abuse can trigger depression. Of course, seen repeatedly financial difficulties are by far the most common.
Last, some of the signs and symptoms of depression that can be emotional or physical. One symptom of depression