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Managing is an essential skill that all people need to develop. How well you perform the task of management will often determine whether you achieve the goals you have set yourself.

To a large extent, management theories have tended to reflect the custom and traditions of the society at the time. Classical-scientific management, behavioural management and political management are all the different type of theories.

The Classical-Scientific theory's main objective was that workers had to do what they were told, workers had limited education and emphases was on increased output by increasing works effort. This theory was based on bureaucracy which is the most efficient form of organisation and should have rules and procedures. The main principles of classical-scientific theory are; Planning- which involves deciding what the business is to achieve and how this will be done; Organising- designing the structure of framework of the business (what tasks are to be done); and Controlling- measuring what is actually happening within the business. The classical scientific theorists believe a pyramid structure was the most effective way to organise the structure of a business. It is based on division of labour, has a steep chain of command and a narrow span of control. Autocratic leadership style was always used where managers dominated the decision making process.

Managing in airline business presents many challenges including rising fuel prices, security concerns, increasing competition and industrial relations issues.

Qantas had a classical-scientific management structure and culture characterised by bureaucratic with rules, regulations and highly centralised decision making, a long chain of command in the delegation of authority and little contact between workers and managers because of an autocratic management style.

The second theory is the behavioural management. It is focused on human and social factors and workers are more educated because of the level of technology. It is believed that a successful manager is one who has the ability to understand and work with people who have a diverse variety of backgrounds. The key elements involve leading, motivating and communicating. An effective leader is to be able to set examples, earn respect,

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