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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind

Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind, a movie that confuses yet entertains, with action, comedy, and most importantly the value of love. At times I became confounded between what was happening in the movie and what significance it had. Although it was amusing trying to figure out why I had to understand certain parts, it was also frustrating when I realized what I thought was important was really irrelevant.

Comedy, another feature in this film was used very lightly; I felt as if it was there simply to keep the dull parts entertaining, and help clarify the confusing ones, on the contrary it complicated matters and it still lacked relevance. If I were to use one word to describe the movie in general it would be awkward, not only because it leaves you with so many questions but also because it refuses to give each scene an explanation.

Love, was one of the many few reasons I was amused by the film. I felt the devotion that took place between both main characters was powerful, intense and entertaining. It was the adventure between the couple that had me watching and wanting more. I feel that the couple was atypical and they both had completely opposite personalities, it was interesting to see how they would get along with each other and it was surprising to see how quickly they fell in love.

Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind was a very divert movie, yet it lacked so much. I feel as if it gave too much in certain scenes, and those same features lacked in others. Although the adventures kept me in interest, what was I to do about the parts that didn’t have action, I was left puzzled. This film was overall interesting, yet it still left me wanting more. More action, more answers, and more reality.

The movie begins with Joel Barish (Jim Carrey), a man who seems lonely, lost, and distant in life from the start. He gets on a train and meets a dysfunctional outspoken female (Kate Winslet) who later introduces herself as Clementine Kruczynski, the two instantly strike up a conversation. This leaves viewers like me confused about what exactly is going on and if the conversation that is taking place between both main characters is necessary. Yet what I did realize was the connection that they had with one another, it was as if they were meant for each other despite their physical, mental, and emotional differences. Later on in the movie we come to find out that the two, were former lovers separated after a two year loving relationship. Unfortunately, like every couple, they had their flaws; constant arguments and complications that just wouldn’t let them be happy.

After an intense argument with words that weren’t meant to be said, Clementine decided that she would go to a psychiatric firm in which she would erase any memory of the relationship she once had with Joel Barish. Unbeknown to the viewers or Joel Barish himself Clementine completely forgets about Joel and moved on with another boyfriend. This is one of the many parts that left me questioning, who is this new boyfriend she’s with? When did she get the process done? What was the argument about? And why didn’t Joel know?

Joel finally finds out what Clementine did to forget about him, he then proceeds to go to the same firm she did to ask about her and later on ask for the same amnesia treatment she had. The scenes change so quickly that one has to assume that he went back and that he wants the treatment. One thing leads to another and he’s inside his memory, where the majority of the movie takes place. This is very confusing and perplex, as the scenes bounce from his memory, to the doctors, and to the problems that he had with Clementine. As his memory erases slowly but surely Joel realizes that he does want to be with Clementine and that unfortunately he can’t stop the procedure. Action played a key role in this film, especially during Joel’s fight to stop the erasing memories and wake up. At times I found this part interesting but then again I couldn’t figure out how Clementine was able to tell him what to do in a “memory”.

I know only but so much in this movie and it was at the end that my questions were answered. It made no sense to tell a story from the end, have me confused and then explain only a small portion of what was going on. I think that because it was a science fiction movie it probably complicated matters more

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