Fahrenheit 451
By: Mikki • Book/Movie Report • 312 Words • May 21, 2010 • 1,018 Views
Fahrenheit 451
Dale Moody
Dale Moody, professor of theology 1948-1984, was born in Stanford, Texas in 1915. In his youth, he attended a Landmark Baptist church and made a profession of faith when twelve years old. Beginning to preach at sixteen years of age, Moody pastored his first church, Coppell Baptist, the following year. In 1933, he entered Baylor University to study New Testament. Moody left Baylor before finishing his B.A. to study at seminary.
Moody enrolled in Chafer (now Dallas Theological) Seminary. In 1937, Moody switched seminaries, beginning work at Southern. Upon completion of his Th.M. classes, Moody did not immediately receive the degree since he had not yet finished his B.A. at Baylor. In 1940, Moody returned to Texas to finish his B.A., earning the degree and his Th.M. in 1941. Moody then began doctoral studies at Southern but left the school in 1944 in order to serve as a teaching assistant to Paul Tillich at Union Seminary in New York. Moody returned to Southern in 1947 and received his Th.D. after finishing his dissertation on “The Problem of Revelation and Reason in the Writings of Emil Brunner.” Moody later