Film Prioritization
By: Andrew • Essay • 1,573 Words • March 31, 2010 • 2,735 Views
Film Prioritization
In this scenario, a large film making conglomerate wishes to examine a number of potential film making projects. Each project is to be ranked according to its feasibility, measured by the ability to adhere to a number of corporate objectives. There are seven proposed movies to be judged and the conglomerate will produce four to six each year.
First is to examine each of those projects to the corporate objectives, compare and contrasting project selection criteria and justify why a project meets the selection criteria.
The corporation has three ‘must have ‘ objectives as follow: All of the projects need to meet legal, safety and environmental standard, all of the film projects should receive a PG or lower advisory rating, all projects should not have an adverse effect on a current or planned operations within the larger community. The third objective is most probably in reference to the conglomerate plans to open theme parks in Poland and China which would be in addition to a number of existing parks, home videos, video games, theatrical productions and television channel. Each of those objectives mentioned will each be assigned a point weighting of 24 points.
This case study will also need ‘want’ objectives. These are assigned a weighting for their relative importance, however they are not critical to the company’s mission.
Those ‘want’ objectives are as follow: to be nominated for and win an academy award for best Picture of the year, create at least one new animated character each year, generate additional merchandise revenue such as dolls, action figures, interactive games, music CDs, raise public consciousness about environmental issues, general profit in excess of 18 percent, advance the state of the art in film animation and preserve the firms reputation, finally provide the basis for the developments of a new ride at a company owned theme park.
As a member of the hypothetical team to evaluate each of the submitted proposals, the task is to rank each submission according to the corporate objectives, and to select films to be produced by the company.
Project Proposal 1: My Life with Dalai Lama
All of the corporate ‘must have’ objectives can be met by this project. It is unlikely to violate any legal, safety, or environmental guidelines. Aimed at a youth audience, it is probable that it would receive a PG or lower advisory rating. Finally, since it is not controversial, it should not interfere with current or planned operations.
The probability of an animated children’s movie winning Best Picture at the Academy Awards is very low. However, it would introduce new animated characters that could possibly star in a cartoon series. There is also a possibility of generating merchandise from such a production. The proposal is unlikely to raise public awareness of environmental concerns. There is a 50% chance that the film would generate a return on investment (ROI) of 18%. Since it is an animated movie, there is a chance of advancing the state of the art in film animation. Finally, given the nature of the storyline, it is not probable that a new theme park ride could be developed based upon this film. In summary, My Life with Dalai Lama results in a point value of 86 points.
Project Proposal 2: Heidi
All of the corporate ‘must have’ objectives would probably be met by this project. There may be some concern over the location and casting of the film, and also copyright issues of the original work. For this reason, only twenty points will be awarded for this objective. The movie would be likely to achieve a PG or lower advisory rating due to its youth-related content. Finally, no aspect of the movie should interfere with current or future operations. Not all of the ‘want’ objectives are likely to be fulfilled by this proposal. Given the large budget, and all-star cast, the movie stands a good chance of winning Best Picture. However, no new animated characters will be introduced by this film. Merchandising opportunities are very likely.
Using the Swiss Alp location could give the corporation an opportunity to raise public awareness of environmental issues and concerns, and there is a greater than 50% chance of generating 18% ROI. Although there is no opportunity to advance the art of film animation, the picture would undoubtedly preserve the firm’s reputation. Finally, the location could also give rise to a new theme park ride.
In summary, Heidi results in a point value of 85 points
Project Proposal 3: The Year of the Echo Few, if any, of the corporate ‘must have’ objectives are met by this proposal. The film is highly unlikely to receive a PG or lower advisory rating, and could have a very adverse effect on current and