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Food-Related Illness Reflection

By:   •  Essay  •  387 Words  •  May 1, 2010  •  1,057 Views

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Food-Related Illness Reflection

Unknown to me before reading this article there is over 200 known diseases transmitted through food or water. Causing any ware from six million to eighty-one million illnesses and over nine thousand deaths. And these are just the reported cases, double the figures given above and the numbers well be much closer to reality. This is an epidemic in our society that needs to be monitored closely or it will quickly get out of hand.

This article was interesting to me because I never knew that so many bacteria's, parasites, and toxins are so easily transmitted through food and water. This could be a big issue for me in the area of my major Sports Management. If I were in charge of a public facility, like arena or sports facility one outbreak of food related illness could be catastrophic on a huge scale. Thousands of people eating and drinking contaminated items would not only cripple the market but put many or lives at risk. That is why it is important to have these groups that analysis Food borne Disease like the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System; they are part of Food Net established in 1996 by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Center for Disease and Control. I don't ever believe that there was an incident with food borne disease in an arena setting, but

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