Food Retail Industry Analysis
By: Venidikt • Case Study • 2,615 Words • May 21, 2010 • 1,521 Views
Food Retail Industry Analysis
Retailing is one of the most important in every Western European Country. Historically
retailing has been viewed as the sale of goods to the consumer trough retail shops, but
retail today should be viewed as being rather broader. Theories of retail change
summarize forms of retail change, that involve three theories of retail change to explain,
1) natural selection in retailing, which is best adjust to their environment, are most likely
to survive. The major environmental factors affecting retailing are, a) Retail changes in
the consumer character, which is like population changes. b) Retail changes in
technology, e.g. use of motorcars. c) Retail changes in competition, e.g. changes in the
levels of competitive strength within the areas of influence. 2) The wheel of retailing
suggests that an efficient innovatory form of retailing enters the market and attracts the
public by its appeal. Growth and maturation occur during which market shares are
increased, but trading-up occurs and finally the firms become high cost, high price
retailers once again vulnerable to the next innovator. 3) General-specific-general cycle,
this is the tendency for retail business to become dominated by generalists, then
specialists and then generalists again. Theories of retail change will be shown in the
Grocery Retail Industry.
It is a fact that Grocery bring many convenient to people, and it is an important part in
retail industry. Grocery supplies a tremendous number of products to our everyday lives.
However, in the last twenty years, development and change of grocery have accompanied
by competition and requirement of people. In the 1950s and 1960s the aim of much of
grocery industry was to produce as much as possible in order to satisfy the substantial
growth of consumer demand for all types of consumer goods. The pattern of the 1990s is
quite different. Consumers no longer want more goods, they want better goods, and
demand is more sophisticated. Grocery began to attract customersЎЇ vision by variety
artifice, which is like retail change of assortment. For instance, change style of product
from specialization to generalization, and enable better most people to choose their
products. Nowadays, grocery is a huge and insurmountable organization, which provides
a large number of products to customers through consummate retail service. This report
will discuss about under demonstration of theory of retail change, groceryЎЇs changes in
format, location, assortment, and concentration and the impact of innovations in last
twenty years and their future trend.
Grocery Format
Retail has been developed since mid-eighteen century, in that time; it just was a simple
general store. This store operated one a cash basis, a departure form barter system of the
earlier retailer. In the 1990s, as Internet went in live of people, this change have brought
customers many benefits and convenient. In Grocery Retail Industry, retailers also
adopted this retail format through Internet introduce GroceryЎЇs products to consumers;
they can get newest information about GroceryЎЇs products. So Internet make a range of