By: Victor • Essay • 423 Words • March 10, 2010 • 985 Views
How is this software designed to help with decision-making? What method does it use?
After looking at many different software products, I decided to choose “Chordiant management decision making tools help you develop relationship management strategies, drawing on your past experience with customers to predict likely future behavior. They can predict what customers are likely to do and combine predictions with business rules to develop sophisticated strategies, allowing you to pre-empt and meet customer needs as profitably as possible.”,(Chordiant)
“Chordiant Decision Management”, Chordiant) provides a suite of tools that have been proven to help a business make better decisions and help one to apply those decisions in each customer contact and observes all results. This guarantees a far more successful business.
The method they use is the “Fly By Wire”, which was started by aircraft makers to describe how the pilot of a plane could change the course of direction by using simple controls even though the entire process is lengthy the pilot wouldn’t have to do anything but basically push a few buttons. Using this concept in business allows the management to determine what changes need to be made in order to steer the business. To me this sounds very accurate. We don’t like making the same mistakes over and over so we correct the wrong decisions to create a successful business.
Do you think that this software would help improve decision-making? Why or why not? Would this software affect how the user frames a decision? If so, how?
This software definitely improves decision-making. These software tools help you develop “relationship management strategies”, (Chordiant), by observing