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From the Heart

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From the Heart

In her DNC Speech Michelle Obama attempted to counteract some of the misconceptions brought upon her, which in fact could have had a disastrous effect on Barack Obama's election. Her intended effects were to show that she isn't an angry, aggressive, faithless, elitist, unpatriotic woman, but in fact a women that stands behind her husband and supports him as he runs for president. Demonstrating her mildness and giving us an insight into her life and dreams; past, present, and future.

"Both when we were kids and today, he wasn't looking down on me-he was watching over me." (line 5) The image of the angry and aggressive Michelle Obama is soften with the added image that she depicts of her six-foot-six older brother, not only looking over her, but as her "protector". (line 10) Displaying that she needed to be protected tells us that she couldn't possibly be the hostile women many accuse her to be. She also did this by driving in the point that her family is "the center of my world" as she said.(line 12) "They're the first thing I think about when I wake up in the morning, and the last thing when I go to bed at night."

(lines 13,14) By showing how important her family is in her life she reveals the calm and milder Michelle Obama , who connects with all mothers in America. She makes an even stronger connection when she informs that her stake in the election is all children's future. (line 15)

Another accusation address was her faith. Many have claimed the Obamas of being false christens. In her DNC Speech she addressed this matter. "I can feel my dad looking down on us, just as I've felt his presence in every grace-filled moment." (lines 3,4) In just these two lines she displays her faith twice. By saying that her father is looking down on her and he is with her in every grace-filled moment. She is implying that he is in Heaven. That is a Christen belief. Further, by concluding her speech by saying, "God Bless you, and God bless America," (line 130) she is once more driving the point that her faith shouldn't be in question.

In Lines 16-24, Michelle Obama counteracts the statements that have been made about her being

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