Gap Analysis: Global Communications
By: Tommy • Case Study • 521 Words • May 28, 2010 • 1,115 Views
Gap Analysis: Global Communications
Gap Analysis: Global Communications
This paper is about the case study of Global Communications Company (GC). Currently they are under a great deal of economic pressure. Their stocks have depreciated 50% in the last three years. Local, long-distance and international markets are competing in the same line of business, making it harder each year to stay on the edge of the telecommunication business.
The Global Communications senior leadership team decided to make some business changes. The first business change was to introduce "new services, primarily to its small business and consumer customers, who will now be served in both local and long-distance markets across the country" (GC Case Study). This will be achieved by creating alliances with a satellite providers, partner with a wireless providers and allowing company information on the main frames to be accessed remotely. To cut cost and improve profitability they planned to become global with its resources.
Situation Analysis
Issue and Opportunity Identification
The Board Committee notified Katrina CEO the outsourcing project was approved; this entails to outsource GC's technical call centers to India and Ireland. When she presents this news to the senior management many issues were arisen. These issues included active listening, interpersonal barriers, communication channels, personal barriers and media richness. From the issues opportunities will be identified. Effective communication is important in the business environment. According to McShane-VonGlinow in chapter 11, communication is used to coordinate employees, fulfill employee needs, support knowledge management, and improves decision making.
Media Richness: This project lacked face to face communication with all the senior leadership team during planning of business changes. This situation clearly identifies that there is an issue with their communication. GC can also see this as an opportunity to improve on