Gay Rights
By: David • Essay • 717 Words • March 12, 2010 • 2,086 Views
Gay Rights
Gays and lesbians should have the same rights as anyone else. They are human
beings too. They shouldn't be treated any different just because they like someone of
the same sex. Their sexual preference shouldn't affect their choices and environment.
Which is why I think that it's unfair for people to dicriminate against them.
A major conflict is underway over equal rights and protections for gays and
lesbians, including the right to marry (
I think gays and lesbians should have the right to marry and adopt a child if they want.
I support it cuz i believe in equality that this nation was based on for so many years.If
u cannot
disciminate against race or sex u cannot
do it to ur sexual preference either. Being
homosexual doesn't
make anyone any lesser of any good parent. There are many
heterosexual parents out there that abuse there kids and being straight doesn't change that.
If a homosexual parent adopts kida they will treat them with love because they chose to
adopt them. Those kids will grow up to be open-minded and not full of hatred for
"Each individual's journey through life is unique. Some will make this journey
alone, others in loving relationships - maybe in marriage or other forms of commitment.
We need to ponder our own choices and try to understand the choices of others. Love
has many shapes and colors and is not finite. It can not be measured or defined in terms of
sexual orientation." ( Marriage is a
human right not a demand. People should be able to marry who ever they please same
sex or not. According to 2001 FBI statistics, hate crimes based on sexual orientation
constituted the third highest category reported and made up 13.9% of all reported hate
crimes. ( How could people hate someone for their sexuality. It's
their choice who they love. They are probably a better person than anyone else since
they loved someone for their soul and not their appearance.
Employees in same-sex relationships are not given the right to take care of a
seriously ill partner or parent of a partner under current provisions in the federal Family
and Medical Leave Act. ( This law is ridiculous. If someone's
partner needs medical help they should be able to help them instead of discriminating
against them. They are normal people like anybody else and should have the same
benefits as a heterosexual person.
Under the U.S.military's "don't ask, don't tell, don't pursue, don't harass"