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Gen 300

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Gen 300

Imagine being on the greatest team in the world but instead of playing for wins or loses or championships you play for freedom for your fellow country men and women. Think about the team work or team dynamics it would take to be the greatest team ever. The Chicago Bulls have been called the greatest basketball team of the 1990’s winning six tittles in eight years including a record setting year in 1996 going 72-10. The hard work, dedication, time put into becoming a great unit starts at the foundation. Team dynamics didn’t happen in Chicago didn’t start at the beginning. Michael Jordan the team center piece played 7 years in the NBA before he won his first Championship. It wasn't until the right collection of players (along with the appropriate coach to guide them) was assembled in the Windy City that the dynasty began to take shape (NBA.COM). Team Dynamics came together for the Chicago Bulls and they were unstoppable. Team Dynamics is defined as the often-unseen ‘natural forces’ that strongly influences how a team reacts, behaves or performs. In the Air Force team dynamics is important as well. The United States Air Force was established in 1942 and today is the greatest Air power in the greatest military in the world. We didn’t get to be a force in today’s military by accident. The foundation is laid in the beginning and is enforced everyday. 28,000 airmen graduate from basic training every year and the first thing that is taught is the foundation. The base foundation ensures every Airman has what it takes to start a successful Air Force career. There are three core values of the Air Force are Integrity first, Service before self, and Excellence in all we do that make up the foundation for success in each and every member of the Air Force.

In Team Dynamics of the Air Force, Integrity acts as the substructure to all Air Force core values. “Without integrity our reasons for service can be questioned. Without integrity the sincerity of our quest for excellence also comes into doubt says (Lt Col Alan Peaslee) . Integrity is defined by as adherence to moral and ethical principles; soundness of moral character; honesty ( 2006). The Air force simply says to do what’s right even when no one is paying attention. Col Peaslee also says, “When doing right thing starts to be in conflict with the easy way, or butts heads with "the way we've always done it," is when our integrity is confronted. Our integrity is really called upon when doing the "right thing" makes us subject to criticism, ridicule, or second guessing.” Integrity first is the most important core value because it challenges each Air Force member to do the right thing at all times. And by doing the right thing at work or in the community you’re doing it with a forthrightness that will make anyone proud of your accomplishments. Every member is held to the highest moral standards and Integrity first sets the basic foundation so that we don’t discredit the Air Force or our country. Providing service to our country is emphasized greatly and in fact the second stage in the Core Values foundation of Team Dynamics.

“As members of the joint team, we airmen are part of a unique profession that is founded on the premise of service before self. We are not engaged in just another job; we are practitioners of the profession of arms. We are entrusted with the security of our nation, the protection of its citizens, and the preservation of its way of life. In this capacity, we serve as guardians of America's future. By its very nature, this responsibility requires us to place the needs of our service and our country before personal concerns.” These are the words of General Ronald R. Fogleman speaking on the sacrifice that each Airman is expected to give. This was an article on Service before self written in The Profession of Arms for the Air Power Journal. General Fogleman also went on to say, “We work long hours to provide the most combat capability possible for the taxpayer dollar. We go TDY(temporary duty) or PCS (permanent change of station) to harsh locations to meet the needs of the nation. We are on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Should a contingency arise that requires our immediate deployment to far corners of the globe, we go without complaint.” Service before self is instilled in every

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