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Geometry Toothpick Bridge Project

By:   •  Course Note  •  308 Words  •  July 17, 2014  •  2,344 Views

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Geometry Toothpick Bridge Project

Geometry Toothpick Bridge Project

When we were debating what design to make our bridge, we took into account the designs of bridges that had been built by students before us, and which designs seemed to work the most often.The suspension and arch bridges didn’t seem to work as well for most people, so we decided against those specific designs.

After researching a few different types of bridges, we had narrowed down our choices and decided to build a truss bridge. It seemed solid and we wouldn’t have to add as many toothpicks or supports as the other bridge designs would, making the weight less and staying within the requirements.

Furthermore, while making our Pratt truss bridge, we included all the necessary and required elements. It incorporated many triangles and seemed sturdy and stable enough to use, and to hold enough weight. We doubled up the toothpicks on every aspect of the bridge when we built it because they were less likely to bend or snap when any pressure was applied. This seemed to help the bridge as a whole and

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