German History
By: David • Essay • 376 Words • April 21, 2010 • 1,283 Views
German History
I was in search of book that depicted the history of Gemany and how they developed into an empire. I was looking for the origins, the Bizmak years, through The Great War and to Post-World War II era. In short I was looking for a deeper meaning to understand the German people and who they are.
The book I choose was unexpectedly similar to Howard's "The Great War." In Michael's Sturmer's "The German Empire." I was suspecting it to go through an in depth historical timeline of German history, but what I got was more of a condensed and concise history of the rise of the German Empire from it's inception after the Franco-Prussian war of 1870 to its dismal defeat of "The Great War" and the revolutions that followed in 1918. It was the turning point in the 19th Century to the rise of the German people.
However in my findings and research I examined the context more extensively too acquire a better understanding of the pre-German Empire era. The book jumps right into the Post-Franco-Prussian years with only a brief historical explanation. It was evident that telling the origin of the how the German became to be was dense and overwhelming task. It was too large in scope to tell within a short time frame presentation. So I will condense Michael's and in short forego World War I considering