Girls Next Door-Mormon Book
By: Max • Essay • 573 Words • April 25, 2010 • 1,085 Views
Girls Next Door-Mormon Book
My book was about six teenage girls who are all in college or just starting. The first girl I met in the book was Treena, a 19 year old girl with brown hair, brown eyes, and not very much money. Treena’s friend, Kassidy, a girl who is also 19 years old, has blond hair, blue eyes, and too much money.
It starts with the two girls driving from California to BYU Idaho; on the way they have their first problem. The tire goes flat in the middle of the busy Utah freeway. Treena pulls over onto the side of the road, gets out her tire iron, and starts taking off all the lug nuts. But one of them refuses to come off. She and Kassidy try for a long time until a young cop in his forties pulls over and helps them change the tire.
There are more conflicts in the story. Another big one also revolves around the girls: Kassidy is bulimic. She struggles with it throughout the entire book. She never thinks that she is skinny enough; every time she looks in the mirror, she just sees herself as an overweight girl. She is constantly telling herself that she needs to watch what she eats. She’s convinced she lost the beauty pageant because she wasn’t as thin as the other girls. Her five roommates – Bev, Karen, Meg, and Jesse – try and help. They tell her that she is beautiful everyday. After a while, they realize that it’s not working, so they advise her to get medical attention. But she doesn’t take their advice and ends up passing out and going to the hospital. The doctors tell her that she needs to eat or she will die soon. Kassidy moves into a hospital where she has doctors with her all day long to help her with her problem. Obviously, she had to stop college; but in the end lives a healthy, normal life.
I think Kassidy made