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Global Communication

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Global Communication

Think of how many times telecommunications companies have expressed specific interest in their employees. Now think of the number of times those same telecommunication companies have acted in the best interest and expense of their employees. Global Communications will identified these problems and has vowed not to become that kind of company. By identifying the problem that has existed within the company and taking measures to change Global Communication their senior leadership is trying to set an example for other companies in telecommunications. This paper will identify those problems along with a solution.

The plan was to identify the most important issues in this case they were three: the different dimensions of communication between senior leadership teams and how they relate to personnel; how to distribute the negotiations fairly within the organization, and finally how the organization as a whole can communicate effectively and come to an understanding that everyone can live with. The plan goes into further detail in tables one and two.

Global Communication will have to take into consideration the ways in which all these negotiations will be handled and how much time will be spent on each issue within their organization; always making sure that all parties involved are on the same level of understanding and in complete agreement of the terms presented to their organization.

Situation Analysis

Issue and Opportunity Identification

In order for Global Communication to grow as a company their senior leadership team must work together to find the best solution. Global Communications defines its teams as employees working as one in order to establish and maintain a successful business organization. Global Communications not only sees you as their employee, but as an investor, who share common interests and goals that will help maintain, improve, and develop their company into a reputable business within the community. Their company cannot grow and maintain its selves as a reputable company if their company continues to have communication issues between their senior leadership teams and employees. In light of the most recent past events their senior leadership team must discuss and resolve these communication issues immediately. The three topics of concern are: first, how Global Communication deals with the many different dimensions of communication between the senior staff members and their employees. Second, the way in which information is distributed, communicated, negotiated, and understood. Third, the manner in which Global Communication as a whole communicates, negotiates, and resolves its concerns.

Stakeholder Perspectives/Ethical Dilemmas

The different perspectives that their senior leadership team has with regards to company downsizing, call center relocation, and wage cuts has caused conflict among their employees within their organization. Acting in the best interest of the Global Communications; senior staff leaders Katrina Heinz, Nancy Everharott, Joel Thompson, and Sy Rodriguez have devised a plan on how Global Communication can keep its doors open by cutting costs and improving its technology, products and marketability. This in turn has created a rift not only in communication, but also in employee moral between the senior staff leaders and the Union/ employee representatives.

Problem Statement

In order to resolve their dilemma Global Communication and senior staff member must come up with a solution that best fits everyone’s needs, then implement a solution so other issues like this one are resolved before they even begin. This company wants to create a win-win situation by discussing the needs versus wants of the company and all of its personnel. When senior staff members and the C.E.O. of the company have come to an unbiased company decree, they should call a company wide meeting or forum. At that point, the resolution will be discussed and a company policy will be drawn up and put into practice for future reference. Next, to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard, not just addressed; communication between all parties will be adhered to and addressed in a timely fashion.

Global Communication needs to be able to transition the outsourcing within one year’s time, relocate people will see the 15% retention bonus, and the people that were laid off would receive severance packages. Within the severance package, they would be given a full year of employment counseling with a return preference if the company grows as a good faith effort.

End-State Vision

In order to resolve this dilemma Global Communication must come up with a solution that best fits the organization needs, then implement

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