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Global Warming and the Drastic Solution That Must Ensue

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Global Warming and the Drastic Solution That Must Ensue

“Global Warming and the Drastic Solution that must Ensue.”

It has been centuries since Christopher Columbus has traveled from Spain to the end of the world. Much to the surprise of many people this suicidal journey turned out to be one of the most reveling journeys in the history of mankind. For the longest time the most brilliant minds of mankind believed the world to be flat and to venture out too far on the Earth’s seas could only mean falling off the planet completely. Although books upon books of contradicting evidence have been found since that time to support the fact the world is round there are still people out there who believe this common fact to be one of the world’s biggest myths. The Flat Earth Society is a club that has existed since 1547 and constantly wages an ongoing battle to convince the world’s inhabitants that they are truly living on a flat surface. The motto of this group is “Deprogramming the masses since 1547”. When I stumbled upon their website I could not help but laugh. Of all the problems humanity faces today or the possible important technological advancements people could be working on these people find it necessary to debunk one of the most proven facts of all time. Of course I believe in the idea that everyone deserves to form their own opinions on subjects, but sometimes opinions get to the point of ridiculousness. While totally unrelated, the issue of Global Warming seems to coincide with the analogy of world being flat. Many people today argue that although most of the entire world accepts global warming it is just another mystery that needs a hero like Christopher Columbus to debunk this idea. The reason people tend to teach history courses is so disastrous events don’t have the as high of a chance of repeating itself. It is under this idea that many people try to convince the world Global Warming is just another “Flat Earth Theory” that time will soon enough prove. Although history is a very useful subject for not repeating past mistakes the fact of the matter is times have changed sine that of Christopher Columbus. This analogy that many people make, can’t hold any weight nowadays due to the advancements that technology has made in the past centuries. Whereas in the past many claims were made on speculation and devices that could not truly give you a good idea of the theory you were testing, versus today where Global warming is so well understood people are trying differing feasible approaches that could in fact turn of to be one solution to this every important problem. In this paper I will discuss what makes Global Warming the number one most important problem that all of mankind faces today and I will explore a plan that I found to be most able and realistic to deal with the threat caused by this catastrophic problem.

One of the biggest misconceptions of global warming is that of how serious of a problem it truly is. Mixed in with smaller problems such as a booming kitten population or even hilarious problems such as Brothel owners making less money due to the declining cliental at the ski resorts because of melting snow, there are problems that resemble the Armageddon. Many people just understand global warming as the gradual warming of the planet, which in basic definition is exactly that. What many people don’t understand is the consequences that come with this overall warming effect. First let’s discuss the inconvenient but small problems caused. For example that pretty field that you make walk through for a leisurely stroll filled with beautiful flowers will simply turn into a field of what appears to be unkempt grass. Scientists believe global warming could destroy up to a fifth of the United States wild flowers. There is also the fact you property value could end up decreasing because you lawn no longer can produce grass due to the never ending weeds that now dominate your lawn. According to scientists by the year 2100 weeds will produce 32% more seeds with longer hairs which can allow them to spread further. More examples of minor problems will be the eventual disappearance of people’s favorite foods such as guacamole, French fries, lobster, salmon, light and dry wines. These are just a few foods that will feel the wrath of global warming. While these effects are not desirable they don’t illustrate the potential of Global Warming. To better understand how terrible a plight it is grasps these possible outcomes. With the Glaciers melting the sea level around the planet could rise drastically. Alone with Greenland melting the planet’s sea level would rise to 23 feet higher than it is now. The scary part about Greenland melting it is actually melting way faster then any scientist had predicted. As humans created more and more CO2 the water in the oceans absorb more and more of it and in combination with sea water this creates

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