Global Warming
By: Mike • Essay • 2,860 Words • May 20, 2010 • 1,009 Views
Global Warming
Global Warming
Wake up and smell the pollution. Global warming is happening. It’s all around us, from the carbon emissions to the papers we waste. All these lead to the Greenhouse effect. Evidence of Global warming is present in the rapid melting of polar ice caps, glaciers, and areas of Antarctica. It this does not stop life as we know it will cease to exist. Therefore every contribution is vital, no matter how big or small, even if it is just recycling or car pooling. The causes of global warming can be reduced significantly by simple actions the average person can do.
Today many people ask questions that defer to environmental changes around us. One of the greatest of changes has been the temperature and its effects. Today scientists have called one of the greatest threats the world will face a few years from now, and that is called global warming. Global warming is the increase of temperature in the earth that creates not only heat level effects but rising sea levels in the earth. Many ask since it doesn't affect now, why bother? The greatest threat is not now, right now it is building up and sooner or later water level will flood many cities and heat will be tremendous to a point of another ice age according to many scientific reviews. (NRDC)
Global Warming is simply put a natural destructor. It is the cause for various reasons that affect the heat that goes in the Earth. The atmosphere is like a shield of the earth that protects the earth from the outside but the threat to the atmosphere is what is actually happening in the other side of the atmosphere; our side. Carbon Dioxide as well as other polluting factories are the source for global warming activity. These gases trap the heat within the earth and the atmosphere as well as the sun's heat, creating intense heat levels. The greatest contributing agent to this phenomenon is Coal-burning power plants; they create about every single year close to 2.5 billion tons of Carbon Dioxide, and then comes with a 1.5 billion tons the machines as we know called automobiles. (NRDC)
Global warming has been already harming the earth and we are too blind to see it and take procedures. In the year of 2002 states of Arizona, Colorado, and Oregon have taken one of the most destructive wildfire season to be ever recorded in history. Floods have as well been another cause since the water sea level rise. Also because of global warming the period of time we have our season of “winter” the amount of snow has decreased to a point were there is less balance with the temperature changes. Global warming also makes hurricanes become stronger, since hurricanes need energy to become more destructive the heat in the water creates that energy and therefore the category of the storm rises up. (NRDC)
Why is global warming something I have to worry about? Scientific theories have started to develop on the aftermath of global warming. Melting of ice in the North and South Poles as well as Greenland can increase ocean sea level and eventually flood shore-leveled cities. This will in turn cause droughts in many areas, especially in areas such as the Middle East. Hurricanes will become stronger because of the heat that global warming creates to aid these types of natural phenomenon. The heat also creates mosquito diseases, so in the future many people will be affected by viruses and other health dangers. The heat also kills ocean and earth sea life; therefore there is an expectancy of extinction. (NRDC)
What we know about global warming is that the effects change the temperatures in the world. Some parts may reach up to 104+ F while other parts go as low as -10 F. And one of the greatest pollutants and contributor of this phenomenon is The United States Of America. It creates more than the amount of India, Japan and China combined. The United States has already created procedures in making carbon emissions go down. Companies like Con Edison and automobile industries are finding new ways to improve technology and new advancements to decrease pollution. (NRDC)
We can be called to help global warming stop by starting to stop the use of many factories as well as many machines that produce pollution. We should use technological advancements for better cars that would eventually run effectively with solar power or electricity. We can make better electrical machines for our world today. We can conserve energy throughout our homes and jobs. Many companies search an achievement in succeeding so sell more. A normal American wants better technology better cars that would be efficient better technology and better way to do things faster, therefore technology for the environment is less common compared to technology for cell phones and video games. (NRDC)
Power plants are main providers of pollution throughout our world. One way we can all help stop this is