Glued to Thetube
By: regina • Essay • 519 Words • May 20, 2010 • 794 Views
Glued to Thetube
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The negative effects of television on social, medical, and physical aspects far outweigh its positive effects. Television is linked to obesity, low self-image, social deterioration, violence, and decline in education. As television viewing increases the problems stated increase also. Do not be fooled television viewing problems are nothing new. Extensive research has been done finding television to be a damaging tool in society.
Television may not be harmful in small doses, but in today’s society excess rules. Perhaps the uses of television lead to its harm. The “boob tube” is commonly used as a babysitter, an outlet to spend quality time with family, an educator of what is morally right and even Sunday mass. Why would anyone chose to leave the house when the whole world rests in one little screen? The problem with this little screen is that its viewers have and increased level of inactivity that could lead to obesity.
An astounding one in three Americans are overweight (Facts and Figures 1). However, TV viewing is not entirely to blame it plays a major role. A simple look at time ratios proves this. If the average person spends over four hours a day watching TV, gets the recommended amount of sleep a
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night, and has a full time job, the person simply has no time to exercise. All it takes to forget about that exercise is to gaze at the TV for a few moments- an experiment done proves this. Scientists measured the alpha brain waves of television viewers with an EEG (electroencephalogram). The study found that people watching television had a lowered alertness level but a higher sense of pleasure. As soon as the researcher turned off the television set the pleasure dissolves immediately, but the lowered alertness continues for a period of time (Kubey 48). This leaves the viewer feeling sucked of all energy and completely unmotivated. The viewer feels drained