Guidelines for Security of Branches/field offices of Banks/dfis
By: mkarimi • Essay • 1,819 Words • May 10, 2011 • 1,547 Views
Guidelines for Security of Branches/field offices of Banks/dfis
In order to enhance the security of banks/DFIs for the staff and their customers, and to augment the security already in place, it has been decided that all banks/DFIs shall observe the following minimum security measures for branches/field offices.
1. The banks/DFIs shall designate a senior person as Chief of Security, who would supervise the overall security arrangements of bank/DFI, covering all branches/other offices. He will also be responsible for formulating/ reviewing security policies of the bank/DFI duly approved by their respective board.
2. Board of Directors or its committee shall review the existing security policy and security system of the bank/DFI at least once in a year. The management will make a review report on the subject which may include the information regarding the past incidents of robbery, dacoity, theft and burglary if any at their branches and other security related incidents including recovery measures/progress and suggest proposals to avoid such incidents in future. This report will be presented to the board or its committee and the relevant authority will issue necessary instructions in this regard to the management.
3. Technology based approach:
Since the world has developed intelligent, sophisticated video surveillance system for monitoring of assets, the banks in Pakistan should take benefit of such technological development for protection of their employees, customers and assets. Banks/DFIs branches/field offices shall be adequately equipped with security devices like burglar alarms, smoke detectors, sensors, fire alarms, fire extinguishers etc. In any case every bank/DFI has to ensure the following technological initiatives:
(i) The banks/DFIs shall install CCTV Cameras to cover internal and external view in the branches with cash in safe (CIS) limit of Rs. 5 million & above. The banks/DFIs shall use good quality cameras providing clear facial recognition. The banks/DFIs shall install atleast one mexa-pixel camera in the entrance lobby.
(ii) It is the discretion of the banks/DFIs to install CCTV Cameras in the branches with CIS limit of below Rs. 5 million depending upon the branch sensitivity/ vulnerability. However, installation of other security devices i.e. Sensors, Burglar Alarms, Smoke detectors, Fire Alarms, Fire Extinguishers etc are also adviseable.
(iii) CCTV Cameras shall be installed at all the sensitive working premises in the Bank/ DFIs.
(iv) The Recording System (Digital Video Recording DVR) should be located at a safe/hidden place. Banks/DFIs shall devise a mechanism for proper archival of CCTV footage recording at a secure place for a minimum of 6 months.
(v) Since technology of offsite security surveillance has developed and systems are easily available in the country on competitive rates with back up support, banks should take benefit of this progress. The banks/DFIs shall make arrangements of remote recording of CCTV Cameras and ensure continuous monitoring of branches through this mechanism. This arrangement shall be made at Area/Regional/Zonal/Provincial offices and Head Office as the banks/DFIs may consider appropriate which will work round the clock. It is expected that the remote recording and supervision arrangement will not only facilitate the banks/DFIs for effective supervision of their remote branches from security point of view but also create a discipline and punctuality among the bank/DFI employees.
(vi) The benefit of remote monitoring will be achieved when there is an arrangement of proactive rapid response for deployment of security personal/Police at the place of any untoward incident. The banks/DFIs shall make arrangements with security companies providing security service for deployment of Quick Reaction Force (QRF). This may also be achieved through coordination, cooperation and mutual arrangement with law enforcement agencies especially the Police.
4. Security Services
The Banks/DFIs shall make an agreement for registration of Security Company in line with PBA guidelines and their own security policy duly vetted by their Legal Department/Legal Consultants. While executing agreement with Security Company following minimum standards shall be maintained:
(i) The security agreement signed with the companies should cover act of vandalism by the security guards. In such cases security companies will make good for the loss.
(ii) The banks/DFIs shall ensure that the Security companies appoint only physically fit and properly trained persons, preferably, ex-servicemen equipped with appropriate weapons for guard duty with proper orientation about their