Gulivers Travels
By: Andrew • Essay • 296 Words • April 3, 2010 • 1,059 Views
Gulivers Travels
Gulliver's Travels, by Jonathan Swift, tells the story of Lemuel Gulliver, a ship's surgeon who has a number of rather extraordinary adventures. In Book I, Gulliver’s ship is blown off course and he is shipwrecked. He wakes up flat on his back on the shore, and discovers that he cannot move; he has been bound to the earth by thousands of tiny crisscrossing threads. He soon discovers that his captors are tiny men of about six inches high; they are natives of the land of Lilliput.
In chapter four of Book I Gulliver begins to learn about the current Emperor's grandfather who initiated a new religion which demanded that believers break their eggs on the smaller end. Many Lilliputians refused to do so, as since time immemorial their belief had been to break their eggs on the larger end, and they insisted on their right to do so. This caused them to emigrate to Blefuscu, and now that country, reinforced by its new angry citizens, is planning an invasion against Lilliput.
Swift is saying that the argument between the Low-Heels and the High-Heels is ridiculous-almost as