Harrison-Keyes Problem Solution
By: Janna • Research Paper • 1,710 Words • April 17, 2010 • 1,203 Views
Harrison-Keyes Problem Solution
Problem Solution: Harrison-Keyes Inc.
University of Phoenix
Problem Solution: Harrison-Keyes Inc.
The publishing industry is receiving fierce competition because approximately 25 million people in the United States consider themselves writers and because of the ease and the advantages of self publishing. (Power, n.d., para. 1) As a result, Harrison-Keyes, Inc. a large publisher is required to shift its strategic management in order to ensure company survival. Failed implementation and project control has harmed organizational strategies leaving the e-publishing project at the mercy of the newly hired CEO, who seem to have other plans for the struggling publishing giant.
Describe the Situation
Issue and Opportunity Identification
Harrison-Keyes, being at the forefront of the information age and the digital era is faced with a tremendous challenge to either complete its electronic publishing endeavor or leave it behind entirely. Having received the news about the unfortunate events that led to the closing of Asia Digital, the company’s partner in digital conversion has resulted in chaos among management and left them to scramble for a new affiliate with similar expertise and pricing. Not having the right risk management system and a contingency plan readily available in time of need, the continuance of the implementation of the project is on hold. “Risk management is a process which provides assurance that: objectives are more likely to be achieved; damaging things will not happen or are less likely to happen; beneficially things will be or are more likely to be achieved” (The Benefits, n.d. para. 1). Due to the circumstances, Harrison-Keyes has the opportunity to research and receive bids from diverse digital conversion companies, in hopes of better customer service, more reliable response times and experienced procedures.
The publishing giant finally realized the inaccurate projection of time and cost constraints, which is leaving the company to put down unfinished activities and re-evaluate its strategic plans. Intolerable to the new CEO, who seems very disappointed with the initial project plan, task management and integration processes. Precisely estimating the time and money needed to complete a venture is critical in deciding if the project scope is accomplishable according to available resources. Using a consensus method of estimating variables could help Harrison-Keyes in realizing actual costs and allowing for risk assessment within the budget can help avoid surprises in the duration of the implementation phase. Suggesting multitasking to human resources could also help in the reduction of further delays.
Harrison-Keyes, Inc. lacks control in executing deliverables on time and seems to deviate from the original goal to launch successfully the new product line. Monitoring and reporting about the progression of the activities has not been effective, hence creating problems for the publisher. “Control holds the people accountable, prevents small problems from mushrooming into large problems, and keeps focus” (Gray & Larson, 2006, Ch. 13. p. 1). As the project integration advances on, meetings, status reports and information about further processes should be readily available management and their subordinates also. Poor communication and lack thereof, should also be addressed; interactions should be encouraged throughout the diverse departments within the company. Defined roles and responsibilities could also help to organize and to direct the organization to achieve the goals set forth.
An unpredictable incident has put Harrison-Keyes in a bind, forcing it to spend more money and allow more time for the project completion. The deficiency in risk management has not included a contingency reserve in the budget plan. The new CEO is furious with the project planning and is ready to pull the plug. For the last time, the organization has the opportunity to reassess its project objectives and the costs that parallel those actions to readjust the budget, and allow a percentage to be used for disaster planning. The unexpected works in mysterious ways and being able to minimize those adverse effects can mean success or failure.
Lastly, the publishing giant finally apprehended that the introduction of e-books might not be the right project at this time. During the project selection phase, the company lacked in collecting crucial data hence pin pointing the slow adaptation of the e-publishing idea. Grasping the gap between projected revenues and actual