Has the War on Drugs Been Effective in Limiting the Use of Illegal Drugs in the United States?
By: Jack • Essay • 475 Words • May 28, 2010 • 1,332 Views
Has the War on Drugs Been Effective in Limiting the Use of Illegal Drugs in the United States?
Has the war on drugs been effective in limiting the use of illegal drugs in the United States?
America has been fighting the war on drugs for quiet a while now. They have increased punishments for drug offenders and tried preventative education, however, the war on drugs continues. This is because these methods are handled ineffectively. Legislation needs to take into perspective the sociological point of view, effects of education and access control.55
From a sociological point of view, the society that an individual grows up in is a good predictor of future drug use. For example if an individual lives in a ghetto of the city, it is more likely that the person will use drugs because drug trafficking pays good, there is a �cool’ stereotype associated with it and each generation passes it on to the next generation.
However, if an individual is brought up in a clean neighborhood the risk factor for drug decreases because of community support and other related factors. The questions that remains unanswered are that how can we arrive to consensus?
Implementing more strict laws on one hand creates fear among people (who are aware of the law) on using drugs. On the other hand it promotes business among the dealers. The scarcity of drugs in the market will increase the demand and hence increase the prices and as a result there will be an increase in small crimes by the addicts. People that are addicted to drugs might engage in robberies, murders or any other types of crimes.
The government has tried to a lot to prevent drug abuse using educational programs but I think there a lack o complete support. I think something is wrong somewhere because despite having a powerful