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The United States Marine Corps is unfortunately involved in an underlying issue within its own ranks called hazing. Hazing is an overlooked problem being dealt with today in the military as it is enforced and prevented. As hazing is becoming more commonly identified, Marines are being held accountable. As you read this paper you will find out about this issue. You will be engaged in the Marine Corps order that covers this very topic. General James F. Amos scrutinizes the act of hazing in saying, "Hazing is contrary to our core values of honor, courage, and commitment and is prejudicial to good order and discipline." He continues to explain that hazing greatly reduces morale, esprit de corps, pride, professionalism, and unit cohesiveness. General James F. Amos states that hazing is commonly associated and is present in Marine Corps' activities such as hails and farewells, promotion and graduation ceremonies, mess nights, dinings in/out, and other similar events. Hazing has been misconstrued as "rites of passage" as to promote loyalty and tradition. Hazing in the United States Marine Corps will continue to be scrutinized and supervised to ensure all marines are treated with dignity and respect.

The definition of hazing is any conduct whereby a military member or members, regardless of service or rank, without proper authority causes another military member or members, regardless of service or rank, to suffer or be exposed to any activity which is cruel, abusive, humiliating, oppressive, demeaning or harmful. Soliciting or coercing another to perpetrate any such activity is also considered hazing. Hazing need not involve physical contact among or between military members; it can be verbal or psychological in nature. Actual or implied consent to acts of hazing does not eliminate culpability of the perpetrator. According to the hazing order, any violation, attempted violation, or solicitation of another to violate this order, subjects involved members to disciplinary action under Article 92 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. In reference to that order, hazing does not need to involve physical contact and anyone in a supervisory position may be held accountable if he or she, by act, word or omission knows or reasonably should have known hazing was going to take place.

There are definitely a lot of descriptions that accurately describe the act of hazing according to the definition. It is important to know the specifics and intricacies of hazing in order to fully understand it. Of course hazing is not exclusive to the United States Military, it has a wide effect on civilian life like college students, band members, high school upper-class men, and professional athletic teams are also involved in some form of hazing. Hazing is not something to be ignored, countless of overqualified honorable service member's careers have been destroyed for times when hazing has turned into a bad situation even lives' have crumbled due to being involved in such a heinous offense.

The definition of cruel hazing is able or disposed to inflicting pain or suffering, examples include mass punishment for the "wrong-doing" of one individual to be included in a team, group, or members of any certain party. Another example of cruel hazing is making harmful or abusive threats to an individual. Over a period of time, telling threats can emotionally damage the person.

Hazing through physical means is not uncommon. It is called violent hazing and it is the most common form of hazing. Most people involved are coerced, intimidated or manipulated into being hazed physically, some examples are beating, paddling, being coerced or forced into ingesting vile substances or concoctions, water intoxication, public nudity or any other degrading forms of it. Bondage, being exposed to cold weather or extreme heat without appropriate protection, branding, abductions, kidnappings and expecting legal activity are all examples of physical hazing.

Harassment hazing can cause emotional or physical discomfort. Harassment hazing confuses, frustrates, and causes undue stress for the victim. Examples of harassment hazing are verbal abuse, sleep deprivation, sexual simulations, being expected to harass others, threats or implied threats, being asked to wear embarrassing or humiliating attire. Harassment can also be considered violent in some instances.

Subtle hazing may be hard to analyze as hazing because it seems "harmless" therefore it is taken advantage of. Subtle hazing is a behavior that emphasizes a power imbalance between new members and other members of a group or team. This act of hazing breaches reasonable standards of mutual respect. Some new members often feel the need to endure subtle hazing to feel like a part of a group or team.

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