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Healthcare and Ethics

By:   •  Essay  •  272 Words  •  March 20, 2010  •  961 Views

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Healthcare and Ethics

With 45 million uninsured in America the healthcare controversy combined with the immigration issues will not be subsiding anytime soon. There are those that believe there is a right to healthcare and there are those that think our borders need to be closed with no pity for those that have crossed into our country illegally. John Rawls believes in a certain amount of rights. Those that can be divided into positive and negative rights, and those that entail positive obligations to enforce them. The only problem if America according to many is based on freedom then the positive right to healthcare would only restrict those freedoms which we are entitled to.

Engelhard denies a right to healthcare for the sole reason that though we have a right not to be harmed. The positive right to healthcare only impedes on my freedom. In his theory if I work hard for my money then why should I be obligated to pay for others. In the instance of illegal

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