Herfindal Hirschman Index
By: nidhisaxena2004 • Essay • 562 Words • April 26, 2011 • 10,509 Views
Herfindal Hirschman Index
Herfindal Hirschman Index
• It is a measure of size of firms in relation to industry.
• It is the indication of amount of competition among the firms
• It is used in competition laws and anti-trust laws
• It is the sum of squares of market shares of 50 largest firms within the industry, where market shares are expressed as percentage
• It ranges from 0-10,000 moving from huge number of very small firms to single monopolistic producer
• Increase in Herfindahl Hirschman Index generally indicates decrease in competition and increase of market power, where decrease indicates the opposite.
• The formula is:
HHI=? Si2
Where Si= Market share of firm i in the market
N=Number of firms
• The Herfindahl Index ranges from 1/N to one, where N is the number of firms in the market
• A small index indicates a competitive industry with no dominant players
• If all firms have equal share the reciprocal of the index shows the number of firms in the industry
• When the firms have unequal share the reciprocal of the index indicates the equivalent number of firms in the industry
• Critical concentration level:
Post merger HHI Anti-Trust Challenge
Less than 1000 No challenge- Industry is unconcentrated
Between 100 & 1800 If HHI>100, investigate
More than 1800 If HHI>50, challenge
Herfindal Hirschman Index
• It is a measure of size of firms in relation to industry.
• It is the indication of amount of competition among the firms
• It is used in competition laws and anti-trust laws
• It is the sum of squares of market shares of 50 largest firms within the industry, where market shares are expressed as percentage
• It ranges from 0-10,000 moving from huge number of very small firms to single monopolistic producer
• Increase in Herfindahl Hirschman Index generally indicates decrease in competition and increase of market power, where decrease indicates the opposite.
• The formula is:
HHI=? Si2
Where Si= Market share of firm i in the market
N=Number of firms
• The Herfindahl Index ranges from 1/N to one, where N is the number of firms in the market
• A small index indicates a competitive industry with no dominant players
• If all firms have equal share the reciprocal of the index shows the number of firms in the industry
• When the firms have unequal share the reciprocal of the index indicates the equivalent number of firms in the industry
• Critical