History on the Desert
By: adrian9876 • Essay • 1,883 Words • May 17, 2011 • 2,053 Views
History on the Desert
locations and climate. Then you are going to learn more of the animals and plants.
The desert is a hot place to be .During many months it stays above 90 degrees 4th grade Desert Report
Once you read my report about desert you will know a little bit more about the during the day. But at night it is very cold it is about 40 to 50 degrees.
?Have you thought of the animals in the desert . They are kind of cool animals .The thorny Devil is one of them. The thorny devil is a very small lizard. It is only 16.centermeters long. And the Dingo is another animal from the desert. A dingo is part of the k9 and the fox family.
Most of the plants in the desert are very hard to touch because they have thorn's. Those plants are called cactus it is hard for cactus to die
hi hi hi you hi you hi you hi you hi houiylk fjkhf do do do do dodod like like likeHave you heard my brothers are dead!"said porky. He was the youngest of three. The oldest was Pinky then came Gunter and last but not least was porky the smartest of all.
It all started on a cold and snowy day in December at precisely 6:00 a.m. . I was strolling through the vacant woods and wondered where was my brother. He was usually outside picking vegetables so I went over to pay him a visit. As I was walking towards his house I happened to run into Little Blue.
"Oh Porky I'm sorry I tried I tried please forgive me but he was too fast and I couldn't catch up. "said Little Blue.
"Tried to help who" asked Porky breathlessly.
"Your brother pinky. It happened right after your brother got home from delivering vegetables to Ms. Frisky. There was a knock and he answered." "Who is it." said pinky .
"It's me little blue." said the stranger.
"You liar blue just left. You are that wolf everybody is talking about please go away." he said.
Then there was a response "shut up and open up you dumb pig!"said the wolf.
"NO!!!" He shouted.
"Oh no you didn't I am going to give you to the count of three to open up and if you don't I am going in there myself and make a ham sandwich out of you.1...2...3..."said the wolf.
"huh you actually thought you could scare me." said pinky.
The wolf got so mad that he ate a hole through pinky's gingerbread house and made him his lunch and left. Thinking no one saw him. "Oh my god how terrible. How could he have done such a horrid thing ."said Porky.
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry I know how you feel he was my best friend ."said little blue.
"Bye blue I must go and make sure Gunter is alright." said porky.
As I scurried through the forest I heard a faint voice. "Who is it?"I asked.
"Hey it's me cousin Marv." the figure replied.
As the figure came near I recognized it .It was cousin "Marv". We really weren't that close but my brother "Gunter" and him were really tight.
"Oh I am glad you