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Annotated Bibliography

Hofstede, G. (2001). Culture’s consequences comapring values, behaviors, institutions, and organizations across nations (2nd ed.) California: Sage Publications.

In this book the author explores cultural differences that exist between nations. He uses data collected across 50 IBM offices to rank countries along dimensions of culture. In the first edition, the author had presented a case for four dimensions of culture. However, in this edition he introduces a fifth dimension. This book explains the empirical analysis that the author conducted to arrive upon his assumptions.

Baskerville-Morley,R.F. (2005). A research note: the unfinished business of culture, Accounting, Organizations and Society. Australian Journal of Management, 30, 389-391.

This paper is a review of the first two editions of Hofstede’s book, Culture’s Consequences. The author begins by outlining the value that the first edition added to business practice. He then goes on to elaborate on the significant additions that the second edition has made.

Traindis, H.C.(2004). The many dimensions of culture. Academy of Management Executive.18, 88-93.

This paper outlines the importance of Hofstede’s work. While the author touches upon most dimensions of culture; he specifically focuses on the importance of the dimension of individualism & collectivism. He outlines practical differences that exist between people from collectivist and individualistic cultures in terms of their attitudes, values and beliefs.

Bing, J. W. (2004). Hofstede’s consequences: the impact of his work on consulting and business practices. Academy of Management Executive. 18, 80-87.

The author is the chairman of the Board of ITAP International, a human resource and organizational development solutions organization. Given this background, this paper is replete with practical applications of the abstract theory in the real world corporate environment. The author also discusses areas such as the impact of culture on change strategies within organizations.

Hum, B.J. (2007). The influence of culture on international business negotiations. Industrial and Commercial Training. 30, 354-360.

This paper presents the importance of understanding culture when negotiating internationally. In doing so, the author studies the language of negotiation to understand how trust and personal relationships are built. The author touches upon issues such as the role of language, humor, shared experiences and so on. It presents the broader context and relevance of studying theories such as Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture.


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